Lack of updates because I worked 10 days straight. Sorry...
So, what did I do with my day off? I went to a Brewers game. No, not the Cubs, not even that other team, but the friggin Brewers. Thatsalmost as bad as going to a Cards game. But, for what it was, it was fun.
The dilemma: Who do I hate more, the Brewers or the Braves. I decided the Brewers, and I secretly rooted for the braves.
Brewers lost, and the hot dog won the sausage race. Good day. Heh, heh, sausage race. That sounds dirty.
In my "spare" time, I started doing imaging work for 102.3 XLC.
102.3 XLC "Time Traveler" promo here Im trying to think of a way to make these sound less awkward, considering I don't really have control over the voice, the writing or the leignth. I wish I did though. They would sound so much better. Stupid bosses and their demands.
The past couple days I have felt completely uncreative, and I feel like everything I make sucks. I heard myself on the radio this morning... Hated it. I heard the promos I made for this weekend... Hated them. This one... took me forever to get it to what I consider my bare minimum.
I need inspiration. From something.
On Kiss FM in milwaukee, I heard Peter Bjorn and John - Young Folks used in a promo. I don't know if I am that brave.
My sister graduated from high school this week. Of course, congrads to her.
I hung out with POB yesterday. It was cool. Her friend made an alcoholic milkshake, and it was good. I'm glad I dont know how to make those, because every time I get depressed or angry I would simultaneously have access to 2 of the 3 things that calm me down. (I'm not throwing cigarettes in there, that would be disgusting)
Speaking of which, I've decided that I'm not a big fan of Oberweis ice cream. Nothing beats Haagen-Daas in my book. Not even ice cream that is supposed to be better.
And, most of all, I hope you enjoyed your day off!