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Jun 16, 2004 09:49

this weeks been crazy!
friday saw harry potter again with stacey alaina and danielle it was good considering it was my 3rd time seeing it! then that night i just studied for social studies!

then saturday i studied earth science all day then dani and kelsey came over and we did a practice regents then later that night me dani elena anya and kaitlin all went to syds where we walked to town went to planet wings, then we went back to syds house and blasted her moms cars music while we played twister, rode bikes and scooters etc...

sunday woke up worked...kelsey cailin and kaitlin all came in to see me! lol nothing really exciting it was sooo busy but people dind't leave good tips :( that makes me sad!! then after work i came home studied more and more! lol while watching the mary-kate and ashley birthday marathon! lol then went to bed

monday woke up went to school, nothing really exciting! lol last double period of science with kelsey [kelsey were really gonna miss that class :( ] then after school i studied i think? lol

tuesday last day of school [not counting finals] and in ss we reviewed english had part of our final computers free period art- everyone came into my art class and we hung out lunch- BBQ outside and so many ppl cut classes so they were all there math-it was so fun today! me jon anya meghan and jennifer g all talked basically the whole period and mr diaz signed my yearbook! lol =P science everyone cut and ms curto was sooo pissed! then gym mr hughes let us sit outside with everyone who was cutting and spanish ms rubi jsut let the whole class go outside nd have fun so tuesday consisted of everyone cutting classes

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!AND I'M PROUD TO SAY THAT I DIDN'T CUT ANY CLASSES THIS WHOLE YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO ME! LOL

and also me britt and stacey all made indianettes! congrats girls!! =D this is gonan be a fun year!

well now its wed got to sleep intoday b/c english final is at 12:15 woke up came to the computer and now i'm talking to stacey kelsey and syd! fun fun!

well gonna go ttyl!
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