Oct 07, 2007 18:44
I have a had a lot of traumatizing experiences since I've moved to NYC. I'm sure a lot of the reason is because it's been my first time in the "real world."
Well, boy did I have a curve ball thrown at me ttoday.
So, living in NYC and being from the South (as I have spoken about numerous times) I have the constant fear of the ticking clock vs living in a big city and living it up. My life is pretty ridiculous and I have gathered a million stories since I've moved here - I need to start writing more down.
So, my exboyfriend, Georgi, disappeared for several months last winter. Like didn't return phone calls, never saw him again disappeared. And then, reappeared ... two blocks away from my apartment. That's the shortened version of that mess. I guess you could say we're dating now. And I guess you could say we've been seeing each other off and on for the past year and a half. His birthday just came around last week and I regifted the potato gun. And, once again, it is sitting in my apartment unused collecting dust.
So, Georgi has been an illegal alien for the past 7 years. Apparently his boss decided that this was unacceptable and tol d him to go to a laywer. Georgi was very nervous about this. He gathered up all his paper work and had a good night sleep the day before. I see him the next night and ask him how his meeting went. He said I don't want to talk about it. So, I offer him a beer and drink one myself.
"She said there's no way I can get a green card."
"Oh, that sucks."
"Yeah, she told me to marry someone."
(Lee gulps down beer, avoiding eye contact, slowly dying)
"I told her, do you know anyone I could marry?" Loud uncomfortable laughter.
(Gulp gulp)
"You know, it's funny. I had a dream a week ago that you asked me to marry you and I just laughed."
"Well, your dream's come true!" Louder more uncomfortable laughter from both of us.
And you know what? I actually put thought into it.
I laid in bed beside him that night contemplating life, $15,000, green card marriage, chord progressions, EU citizenships, conventions, lonely deaths.
"Lee, are you going to keep that music on all night?"
His last words to me as I got on the subway the next morning on my trek to work (after dreaming all night about my brother dying):
"Find me a wife!"