[Shes got the curse of curves.]

Dec 13, 2006 21:36

hello again livejournal,

Today was an awesome day. Things are turned out to be pretty uhm lets see what the word would be...chipper? haha.
School was school.
Boring as usual but still okay.
Belles&&Sons kinda pissed me off though. Im tired of being in there and never get anything. I want a solo. or at least to be a part of something. i want to grow as far as my voice goes but the fucking teacher wont give me a damn chance. All the same people get the solos and im tired of it. I want something. && its not like i havent tried out for shit. Its not like im not putting myself out there. I have. I have tried but everything always passes me by. =[
I just want something to say that i have accomplished something being in there. Not just sitting on my ass in a chair singing the same fuckin songs over and over again until i want to scratch my eyeballs out. I want to come out of my shell so to speak. I dont just want to be the little alto that trys her best but whose voice never gets to its full potential. I mean isnt that why i took the class in the first place?
Then on to algebra. Dear god in mothaeffin heaven. I REALLY want to die just because it seems not matter how hard i try in that class it NEVER GETS BETTER. I actually understand somethings in there but for some reason when i go to apply it...it backfires. I am trying so hard to pass that class but the harder i try to more i fall behind. I mean what the fuck. what am i doing wrong? >:O
English. ahh english. I shouldve just stayed in fuckin honors. Because cp is more of a hassle then honors was. Mrs. eason is the bitch of all bitches and worst of all she has voices in her head. Im serious. Today she got mad because one person in the class was looking at a magazine while they were supposed to be studying..so she gives out the test and doesnt let anyone study. So for prolly the first time in my life i rebelled slightly. I refused to put the test on my desk until i had studied and she got pissed and claimed i was challenging her authority. haha it was funny.
Then lunch was uhmmmmmmm...very interesting. haha. thats all i shall say.
&&&&&&&& best of all......... FOURTH!
One of my most favorite classes of the day. =]
its such a wonderful waste of my time. haha. not like im ever going use spanish. =]]
misterwilburn cracks me uppp.!
but yah.
then i got to chill with my best friends. [Audrey,Christy,Amberr.]
they are such a blast.
From illegal driving to belly dancing.
from screaming in the car to the tune of fergalicious or undressing in my room while singing "buttons".
i love them
and this "process"[well its not really a process being that im already over it] wouldnt be as easy as it has been if it werent for my wonderful girls.

note: girls i love you.
audrey- You are the most amazing person ever. Christy used to tell me that she admired the way i never gave up but now i look to you as the one whom i admire.
you never give up no matter how much drama *he* brings. and that says more then you know about who you are. your wonderful and i love you.
Christy- We decided that you were the glue that held "things" together but now ive realized that you are the glue that holds me together. without you i wouldnt be where i am. in the state im in. and that would be chipper. i love the way you can always make me laugh even when i dont feel like showing any emotions at all.
Amberr W.- Even though we just met not too long ago i feel like we have gotten so freakin close. We have/had the same situations. I love the way i can talk to you about anything and you always understand. I also love the way you try to teach this poor white girl how to dance. there is just no luck. but we can try!


you girls and the best. and i just thought you should know.

ohhh and post script: brett.....you are becoming one of my most cherished friends. I love the way you listen without questions. You just let me get it out and then you help me. && we always have the best time. You give the greatest huggs. and i am really glad that i have gotten so close with you. You are absolutly amazing.

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