Nov 10, 2004 22:32
I really feel as though i need to vent...thats why i keep livejournal around, for when times people arent here for me...
I've heard it said that if you love someone, then let them go and if they dont come back, then it was meant to be that way or something like that...should that always be the case though? If you love someone, and they cant be with you anymore because oh, say, they're just so busy they cant put the effort out in the relationship that they want to, don't you think that they would be worth fighting for if you cared about them that much? I think maybe it would depend on the situation..but in the case that the person had to go but still cares, don't you think that they're worth fighting for? not like a fighting stalker, but you know what i mean. I mean, still show you care, let them know you're still there for them...don't shut them out completely if you think theres hope...maybe i'm wrong...
I dont know about you, but i'm the kind of person that hates to assume things...i guess the phrase 'actions speak louder than words' could only half way apply to me. yes, actions are wonderful, dont get me wrong. but i feel as though if its not being spoken as well, the actions could mean nothing. but what about no actions and no words? Not so good. I hate assuming. I hate guessing. Tell me how it is, lay it right out on the table so there are no questions. Wouldnt that be nice if everyone could just easily tell how they're feeling? just be honest? i guess that would be in a perfect world.
i dont regret the decision i made, but i hate that my decision wasn't questioned and there was no attempt to sway it. i guess it wasnt something worth fighting for...