Ok, so just ignore me here..

Apr 15, 2004 06:56

Um, ok ever since we were learning about AIDS/HIV in biology, and they said that they have never found a cure, or something like that. So in my head i was thinking of a way they could stop it. Cause, when ever its time for me to get married i guess, i hope the man i fall in love with does not have aids, cause that would massively suck...the one person you fell in love with, you wouldnt have a family..well of your own..

Ya know..

ok so i was thinking, i bet they already tried (or was too scared to try) the whole heating up the virus thing so its killed but not the proteins so thats injected into the body so when the REAL aids virus comes, they would already reconize the proteins, and attack it..

So i was thinking of an, kinda impossible way here. Ok using MY way, The virus would be gone in a life time period, 80 years or so..

Yah so ok, I think RIGHT THIS SECOND everybody with aids should just keep their Sex drives, i should say, down a little, i mean they know they have aids, so i think they should be a little smart and use PROTECTED sex.

So if every one with aids used protected sex, or no sex at all till they DIE. Technically..aids would be GONE.

but minus all the you can get it from blood contact

WELL SCREW THAT PART, im just talking about the SExual part. So yeah

Thats my theory :)
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