This is my Character Chart for BLU Sniper in Atia. If you are not on this chart, and feel this is in error, please leave a comment. Updated 02/15/10
Villetta Nu Boss;
Close Acquaintance;
Boss at Practical Tactical. She's the serious type. Always willing to lend an ear if Sniper chooses to bend it.
Giselle Boss;
Close Acquaintance;
Boss at Enchanted Clothing. Really very sweet. Sniper may decide that the coming baby needs a blanket or something.
Zoey Acquaintance;
Sniper has been smitten with Zoey since December, and had been courting her ever since. Slowly working up to a proper date.
Naoto Shirogane Friendly Aquaintance;
The Scout's and RED Sniper's friend; potential friend. Sniper is still not sure whether to think of him as a "he" or a "she", and errs to the side of whatever Naoto is wearing that day.
Cpt. Bonny Serge Co-Worker;
Petty Annoyance;
Awkward Sex Dream;
Bonny is going through a tough time with adjusting to a civilian lifestyle. This doesn't give her an excuse to be an ass, though. It's up in the air daily as to whether they will get along or not.
Anya (Anastasia Nikolaevna Romanova) Friendly Acquaintance;
Housemate. Nice lady, she'll even put up with the Scouts. Secret Grand Duchess.
Morrigan Aqcuaintance;
Due to a funny incident with a love curse, these two were rather stuck on each other for a while. Sadly, it wasn't as real as he wished at the time for it to be.
Quinnn Fabray Acquaintance;
Seemed lonely, and he gave her advice once.
Noah Puckerman Acquaintance;
Mostly knows him through the network. The guy reminds him of himself when he was about that age.
Leonard Church (Epsilon) "Colleague" from the Future;
Surrogate Kid;
Sniper seems to be the one to give the guy the majority of this practical life advice, particularly in sexual or relationship matters. The former "Level One Million Sentry" appears to have adopted Sniper as a pseudo-father figure. Sniper seems to have done the same in return.
Michael J. Caboose "Colleague" from the Future;
Tries his damnedest to protect the poor brain-damaged guy for Pyro's sake. Even if it means protecting him from his own team.
Drusilla Acquaintance;
Drusilla and Sniper met one night at a bar in the Third District. Kinda scares him.
Agent Texas (Allison) Co-worker, PracTac;
Yet another person from the 26th century. Texas, as she prefers to be called, is apparently a "freelancer," which means she's neither RED nor BLU. She seems to care for Epsilon, in a rather roundabout, difficult way. Reminds him of Bonny.
Agent Washington (David) Futureperson;
Epsilon's Ex-partner
Has only the vaguest idea who this man is, and is likely wrong in his assumptions. Epsilon's opinion of him is somewhat negative, so Sniper's opinion is lowered. We'll see.
TARDIS Known by reputation alone
Epsilon!Church's overprotective foster Mum. Otherwise unknown.
River Tam Epsilon's Girlfriend
Hey, she's practically family already, even though they haven't officially met yet. Epsilon seems pretty taken with her.
Death (Didi) Death!
Is Death. Or Possibly the Angel of Death. Suffice to say, she's a long-time acquaintance. Also, a semi-regular collar partner of Pyro's. A blessed union.
COMPLETE AND UTTER TROLL. Tried to talk Sniper into a pegging session on a public network and then questioned him abut his sex life. Intimated that his own Scout had a nice ass and then didn't believe him when he said he never looked. (No, he hasn't.)
RED Engineer RED Team;
Former enemy, now unofficial leader of their motley crew. After the revelation about Spy, Sniper has become closer to this man than before. Gives the man advice, sometimes gets it in return.
BLU Engineer BLU Team;
The friendly team problem-solver. Chill fellow.
RED Pyro RED Team;
Smoke Buddy;
RED's Pyro is considered a friend-with-benefits. They've actually been collar partners for a while, about as long as they've been on friendly terms. While a demon on the field, it turns out the guy is otherwise a friendly stoner.
BLU Pyro BLU Team;
Close Friend;
Pyro is one of Sniper's oldest friends from 2Fort. Always willing to share a joke and a roof.
RED Spy RED Team;
Hatred, Paranoia;
The animosity between these two is well documented. Sniper is now more paranoid than ever about this man, due to his tendencies to cause others trouble in their personal lives.
BLU Spy BLU Team;
Spy is...complicated. Former collar partner and "friends with benefits," the relationship is currently just friends. Mostly cause Pyro would likely kill him if he kept it up.
RED Medic RED Team;
Negative Neutral;
BLU Medic BLU Team;
Awkward Sex Dream;
Medic is the sort of man you would much rather have on your side as opposed to having him as an enemy. Rather Machiavellian.
RED Sniper RED Team;
Friendly Acquaintance;
Former enemy, current housemate. A decent sort of fellow, the kind you would want to share an amiable silence (or a rooftop) with.
BLU Heavy BLU Team;
Sniper considers Heavy to be a trusted friend, and doesn't mind explaining the occasional English term to the man.
RED Heavy RED Team;
Negative Neutral;
BLU Soldier BLU Team;
Crazy man. Understandable crazy man, unlike his RED counterpart.
RED Soldier RED Team;
Negative Neutral;
Loose cannon. Killed Spy and is now moping around the 'Fort.
BLU Scout BLU Team;
While annoying, this Scout is rather harmless. Sniper has been spending more time with him of late.
RED Scout RED Team;
Petty Annoyance;
Strangely enough, this fellow has grown on Sniper. Still annoying, but a bit more understandable now. Basketball opponent.
BLU Demo BLU Team;
Close Acquaintance;
Drinkin' buddy, when Sniper's actually on the juice.
RED Demo RED Team;