Jan 01, 2008 15:30
christmas was so fun with my family. even though it was tucson.
my best friends and i held a white elephant party and it was very amazing.
even though not everyone was there it was good that most of us were all together.
i gave away a goofy movie, and a pack of cigarette gum. i received a 10 dollar starbucks gift card!
my best present this year was my camera! i finally have my own camera! my facebook has felt the pain of being with out a camera since augsust but now here i come with even mo' pictures. and nooodz.
CONGRATULATIONS MISTER MIKE. wow buddy, i am so happy for you.
i wish you the best with sophie. she's an awesome gal.
i can't say how much i love my friends: i really do. i do i do i doooo-ooo. like kel loves orange soda.
new years party was hilarious and niggamazing.
it was a nig and white party. and we rocked that shit.
last year i didn't have much fun at the new years since i was sober, but this year was a blast.
vivian and kayci. WTF. where have you been?! visit meeeeeeeee.
joel, it is unnacceptable that you are in tucson. seriously.
tomorrow miss emilie will be chillin. and it will be glory-ass.
taylor, LT and I got approved for an apartment next year!
it is going to be awesome. wedowhatwewant
i went on a 90's music downloading tangent the other night. and i am so happy. i am a music lover.
ps. i saw charlie wilsons war. meh it was good.
you need to watch juno and enchanted!
i want to watch cloverfield. sooooo bad.
and a lot more.
happy 08 friends.
lets make it the best ever