
Jan 25, 2006 14:09

well for those of u who arnt my close friend lemme just say this past month has been hell, especially the last week. my dad pretty much verbally rapes me evreyday. well ive been talking to my mom about it and shes gunna come up and were al gunna thrash it out tonight.

i took a big step in trying to solve my problem today i went to the conusler and told them about my situation. the counsler called this lady to come talk to me and said im gunna call r dad and i was liek "do not seriously dont call my dad" bc my dad like wont evan let me talk to anyone about what he does. sometimes he wont evan let me call my own!! well the lady was telling me about this shelter i can go to that my dad cant take me away from there and i can stay as long as i need and the only ppl allowed to see me are ones i put on this list.

well i called my mom from school and she told me that after the conversation if my dad wont let me go w. her and he keeps doing that than i guess i can go. idk though im scared to go bc idk if i liek can go anywhere or if i can use a phone whenevr i want. all i want for now is to stay w. my mom for about a week bc i think tahts what i need is a week break from my dad and all the stress and just concentrate on school and deciding what i need to do w. my life at the moment.

also. my gf tianna. i miss her terrily i havent been able to talk to her as much as i want and i know she misses me too. taht just adds to all teh stress w/ my dad and all bt w/ out her there for me i would have ended all these problems by now bt it wouldnt have been in a good way shes the only thing keeping me sane knowing that she loves me and shes always gnna be ther for me to come to. im gunna see her this weekend though i know it.

well anyways thats pretty much a update on my life.
i have a crazy bipolar dad.

so i jst thoght i would catch everyone up.

i love you tianna thanks for beaing there for me baby you mean the world to me. i want you to know that yore everything to me sweetheart and nomatter what happens w. my dad we are still gunna be together and we will work through this.

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