(no subject)

Aug 21, 2006 23:48

i'm SO tired, because i was a fool and stayed up till way too late hier soir, so if i sound ridiculouse (haha can-can reference, ah, who am i kidding? no one who reads this was in that show), it's because of that.


cara, i was expecting an emo lj post of sorts today...just because it was day uno at lowell, and there hasn't been an emo cara lj post lately...what is the world coming too? (does the fact that i use elipses a lot mean anything--something to marinate on!). check facebooko with company=life

if you ever wanted to get something out of morgan, ask tired morgan, because she's a PARTAY!!! holla to the people in the back.

so yeah, if i actually did what pheobe on Friends did and got a one dot tattoo for my 18th bday and called it "the world from very far away" (i have nothing else to say here, so i'm going to leave this "sentence" as a fragment...is it driving you nuts? yeah, me too, but DEAL!)

ohmygod, what is crazy? morgan! she's going to be what? 18! that's so carizzy shizzy what the fizzy? yeah, so, imma have a chevy's/lionking maddness/musical theater love 18th bday fiasco i've decided. i don't know how or when or where or even why, but it'll happen, you just wait. there WILL be lion king cupcakes and plates just like my 6th bday when my parents hired simba to sit at my table because i had no friends.
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