Dec 23, 2004 16:04
hmmmmm wat happened today alot actually CARMEN LOL WANTS TO STRANGLE PEOPLE... its kinda funny math was ok we did a word scramble thingy it was fun um then shop we cooked and cleaned and made sandwitches FROM NOW ON CARMEN ISNT TELLIN NE ONE SHE LIKE THEM IF THEY LIKE HER THEY CAN TELL HER...CUZ SHE SICK OF REJECTION ..LOL ne ways then um yeah after shop was lunch and me n caremn and angie went to her shop to get uno which we didnt play and then we went to chem and watched dodgeball and i almost fell asleep then to the shop party which was almost ok but i went and hung out with the freshmen most of the time and then mr.butler made me sneak to bring him his pies an me alicia and vanessa had to run from teachers and then i went back to my freshmen buddys umm britt, courtney,nicole,matt chris,sumother girl i cant remember and ron it was fun. ANd last but not least me and ron started going out today witch is cool cuz i realy like him and yeah i hope it works well ne ways byes for now