10:12:28: This person bought stuff from me four days ago but still hasn't emailed me back with their shipping address. Now I'm just getting pissed off
10:20:04: @ hey_brittany GOOD. Jfc I'm getting so irritated! This chick takes forever to do anything and I s2g if SHE gets pissy for it taking awhile..
10:31:15: @ hey_brittany lol no right doesn't usually stop anyone :p but truee true
13:51:32: Wow it would be great if my phone was getting my mobile Twitter updates :-)
14:33:41: My Top 3 Weekly #lastfm artists: Jack's Mannequin (87), Something Corporate (51) and The Beatles (7) http://bit.ly/bddOV7
15:24:25: pete saying that fob is "over-ish" is kind of killing me all over again wow i need to calm down ;~;
15:50:07: i've managed to talk myself out of going to amanda's tomorrow night... :/
15:53:12: @ kinsaban one of the people he @replied last night. :(
16:09:58: oh my god you are so secondhand embarrassing