May 20, 2010 03:11
- 00:15:06: if you have tumblr and aren't already following me you probably should. ok kewl.
- 00:25:40: @ petewentz which star wars episode is your favourite?
- 02:00:22: i'm sick of feeling like a scared little kid all the time.
- 02:27:15: I'm laying in bed watching Live at the Ventura Theatre :3 babbies!
- 06:53:08: @ beckylimerick cut dis bitch
- 07:13:33: I can't wait to turn 21 if for no other reason than to be able to make my bio "21 and invincible". #lametweetoftheday
- 07:15:19: I like how I say that like I only make one lame tweet a day... whatever.
- 07:36:25: "I'm the best bowler in this room and I will fight anyone who says different. ...ARVIS, YOU SUCK AT BOWLING."
- 08:22:39: Dear mother, I see absolutely no reason that my excursion to town to run your errands couldn't have waited until at least 10 am.
- 08:29:34: We don't have water at the house (again) so I haven't had coffee and I am not amused by these idiots.
- 09:46:26: I just ordered the Watch the Sky bracelets, y'all.
- 10:22:22: @ favoritemelody @alessandralee @jessicalaur @schelbwelby @carlygee @_brenna @christophwaltz I just ordered the bracelets so let me know~
- 10:25:27: @Schelbewelby* i just ordered the bracelets so let me know if you want one
- 10:57:41: @ Schelbewelby I just ordered them, but they won't be here for a couple of weeks since they have to be custom made. When they get here I'll
- 10:58:05: @ Schelbewelby let you all know so you can send the $4 :) I just wanted to know for sure who wanted one lol
- 10:59:30: i really wish my dad would stop.
- 11:02:24: i also wish people would stop trying to make me feel bad about myself. that would be great. :-)
- 13:23:11: Cool, I totally felt like crying today. Thanks, dad!
- 13:33:25: @ imjustadreamer i'm trying :/ it's hard sometimes, though
- 13:33:29: @ Schelbewelby okay :)
- 15:00:53: why are so many more people than i expected to asking about bracelets oh my god i feel overwhelmed ;~;
- 15:03:59: @ asiacore I REALLY DO
- 15:04:04: RT @nickbayside: RT @ hobosexuality i'm freeeee.....freeeeballin'
- 15:05:31: @ hey_brittany cash regrets letting you, then, too
- 16:33:17: RT @carlygee: Summer 2010 is going to be so qual
- 16:40:20: ~He promises girls the world and then ruins their lives~, y'all. HOW COULD HE?!?!
- 18:12:19: @ hopeannhintz I'll keep my fingers crossed for you, girl!
- 18:24:38: I just saw Blue Moon in the liquor store and all I can think of is Ian "It's good; I'm 21! Wanna fight about it?" This is pathetic omg
- 18:30:50: Look what I found, y'all.
- 18:54:46: I just called Toaster Strudels my "sweet prince" in the store oh my god my mother thinks I've lost it
- 18:59:50: @ alessandralee omg these are strawberry and cream cheese
- 19:16:00: Why must people always think that my mom is my little sister? :/
- 19:31:47: @ joshterryaware my thoughts exactly.
- 20:00:35: @ alessandralee I don't have a life, I'm eating pizza with my mom ;~; I will be home soon
- 20:04:04: Our waitress at Pizza Hut just called mom "kiddo" omg
- 20:05:19: @ alessandralee sadly since I found nothing that I wanted to nom, there was no ole bought for me. Because I h8 beer
- 20:12:03: Some days all I do is watch the day
- 20:21:27: @ alessandralee we had some qual ole but mom's alcoholic friend drank most of it
- 20:29:56: wow I do not want to go to this cookout this weekend f u c k
- 21:18:56: "Emma Watson in talks to star in the film adaptation of 'The Perks of Being a Wallflower'" I MAY CRY, Y'ALL OH MY GOD
- 21:54:54: RT @RealTalibKweli: Justin Bieber nominated for a BET award, best new artist. Discuss amongst yourselves.
- 22:03:48: @ jimmybrighten congrats, guys!! :33
- 22:18:19: @ Schelbewelby i honestly would have thought before i saw all the rappers sucking his dick that he'd be the type of person they'd use as a
- 22:18:38: @ Schelbewelby q-tip.. or possibly toilet plunger
- 22:42:31: <3 RT @ matthewthiessen The next Jack's Mannequin record? Gonna be gooood. Just sayin.
- 23:05:19: @ Schelbewelby oh my GOD I just do not understand why that fetus is walking around shouldn't he be off in a womb somewhere
- 23:08:42: @ Schelbewelby CLITOFER!
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