May 08, 2010 03:12
- 00:25:03: Things that I like: secrets, new bands, new demos, when bad days are redeemed at the last possible minute, my friends :)
- 11:16:05: I feel ill.
- 13:34:32: @ rainylately I'm not but I'll get on in a minute
- 14:06:03: RT @blazedasfuh: Show tonight @ The Farm! Doors are at 6 PM. Come support @joeyresly's first show with @ TheRussball @lennylujan and myself!
- 15:22:51: what i thought was a bruise on my elbow (i can't see it, it just hurts) turned out to be a spot that was like rubbed raw and is now scabbed.
- 15:40:15: #FollowFriday @ TheIanCrawford @TheRobertMorris @ThePatFanella @TheAdamJames @WeOperate
- 16:05:59: I have this really bad habit of not thinking before I speak/saying things in front of the wrong people. Fuuu.
- 16:20:55: @ favoritemelody LOL that bitch. i gave him that nickname and he didn't hear me when i said it on wednesday
- 16:22:50: Wow if Firefox doesn't start working soon I may actually try using Internet Explorer. Jesus fuck.
- 16:27:44: @ konstantines firefox is like refusing to load most pages and eeps freezing I DON'T KNOW WHAT ELSE TO DO!!!
- 17:05:16: i think i just scared @ neonpattycakes with my rage about autotune oops
- 17:07:17: @ neonpattycakes irritated as hell, yes e__e
- 18:43:26: "apparently the maine is gonna be at my date tomorrow" "fuck your life, bro"
- 18:50:07: @ beckylimerick aw girl ;~;
- 19:28:51: lol are people really giving Asia shit for saying All Time Low isn't the best band ever? oh my god.
- 19:59:20: I might get to go to Warped this summer after all!
- 20:34:47: Wow I think it might be time to hire a clean up crew for all those names you're dropping :-)
- 20:57:02: How old am I again?
- 20:57:02: Transformers, Spiderman, Toy Story, Scooby Doo, and Spongebob bandaids for the clumsy one :/ aka me
- 21:39:13: I'm sick of people stealing my ideas
- 21:41:22: @ theashleysaid omg have fun guys!!!
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