I found the cure to growing older

Feb 23, 2006 00:15

people are selfish.
at some point everyone IS.

YOU want- meaning.
want- a need.

its normal to have needs.
essential ones, sexual ones. any kind.
but not to the point where your going crazy because of a little issue w/ someone or yourself.

so some people sit around and look at the negatives in life
ok lets see.. examples:

01.I'm not in a meaningful relationship. why live?
02.I'm not good enough.
03.I'm going to take a chance. If I take a chance it will most likely turn out bad.
04.I feel like no one cares.
05.I weigh 99 pounds and i think im fat.
06.he/she doesn't like me. I must die because of it.

questions= answers.
answers= Selfish little people.

who are you thinking about REALLY?

so what about a place like Africa.. um they have nothing?
some of the kids in africa dont even know wtf a COMPUTER is!!

SOME PEOPLE are so stuck on the negativity[s] of life
that thier either [a]super critical & selfish or [b]Heroined up 24/7 &/or [c]obsessivly clinging to thier bf/gf like a fucking child

I'm just fucking tired of people who have no motivation to just be happy. and live life.
believe it or not.. life is fucking short.
you can live it or you can sit and fucking wollop in your sorrows.
but as for me i dont think thats why were all here.

and it HURTS
to know people feel this way. so unhappy.
with who they are and what they have.
sitting there thinking that way aint gettin ya anywhere.

I look at the little girl i watch at work everyday who has problems [most likely because of her parents drinking, drugs etc.] Fucking 7 years old. She has trouble speaking right and sometimes i don't know what shes saying but i love the kid like i'd love my own. She didn't choose to live like that. But she has no choice.

there are struggles we all have to face sooner or later.
and when you face them just say fuck you. this will not get me down or stop me.
you know damn well what you deserve.
but pretending to be 'not good enough' gets attention in the "sorrow field" am i not right?

yes, i may be looking at the negatives as far as you see.
so what are the positives? NOT looking to the negatives so much anymore.
be thankful, look at who you are and what you can be.
that song that makes you want to dance and sing. and you never seem to get sick of it:]
or that kid that just makes you laugh til you piss your pants.
FRIENDS. theyre always there. you just gotta make yourself open.
Air. be thankful your alive.
priorities. LIVE. please.<3
and smile. it looks pretty on you.
most of all love like youve never been hurt before.
Because only you can make yourself who you want to be.
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