teen journal entry warning

Jun 11, 2004 01:21


oh my god, like
yeah i know, omg
yeah tottally
as if

i am such a teenager

i went to riverpark today
and since schools out there were all these little kids
all swinging around their cells phones and lolipops

oh wait i have something better to say
it's funny. SO me and my friend arthur make this fruit salad shit for a class party and i serve it up and everyone gets one except for the teacher, who is a pretty large person.

so she looked all sad and i go "you can lick the bowl if you want" and she makes a snarly face and some really dumb girl in the back yells "IF SHE DOESN'T WANT TO I'LL DO IT"
it was funny because she really licked it

so i got back to art's house and i ran inside and told his mom my story, except i was so excited to tell it that i couldn't breath so it sounded like:

"so this (quick breathe) girl (quick breathe) yells (quick breathe)"IF SHE DOESN'T WANT IT I'LL DO IT"
then blow all the breathe out and shoulders drop
then a big smile.

a emoticon of doing the jumping jacks
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