(no subject)

Jan 02, 2006 13:25

In the beginning of 2005

Did you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? yes
How old were you? 16
What was your outlook on the world? not bad
How were you doing at school/your job? pretty great
What did you most look forward to? Summer, and not being sick
Did you make New Year's Resolutions? yeah, to wear more yellow
What was your biggest fear? um, getting caught, hahaha
Who was your best friends? Jo, Lydia
What did you do with your spare time? made clothing, hugh with that bf, and spent time with friends
What did you do for fun? hung out/talked with my best friends, messed around with said bf

In the middle of 2005

Did you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? yes
Had your outlook on the world changed? a wee bit
What did you spend your summer doing? camp, cranberry, anytown
Did you get tan? no
Did you go visit anywhere? yeah
What was your biggest worry? not finishing history
What was the most fun event that happened? way more than just one

And as the year drawns to an end

And how's your relationship status now? no anyone, except for my true loves, Lydia and Joanna
How old are you? 16
What major changes have happened since the year began? well, I'm sick again, I'm almost done with dreads, and a hell of a lot non-superficial things have happened. I'm much more involved
What thing that happened stands out in your mind? camp anytown
How have you changed? lots, and not at all
What was the most embarrassing moment? um, I don't know
When was your lowest point? psh, low was not even all that low
Are you happy with how the year went? yes, I learned about myself, and had lots of fun
What thing would you change if you could? I don't want to, except it would benice if people( myself included) weren't so dumb so frequently) I could also see Jo and Lyd more often!

For 2006

What do you plan to not do that you did this year? um, be to worried
Do you think it'll be better than this year? um, I won't compare
Do you think it'll be WORSE than this year? hope not
What do you plan to do next year? lok for college, SATs/SAT IIs
What are your pre-New Year's resolutions? um, it passed already...
Who are you spending New Year's Eve with? Kurt

And to wrap it up
What one thing would you like to say as the year is almost done?
wahoo, on to 2006. fuck it. hahahaha
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