Nov 19, 2008 10:32
So, barring any natural/unnatural/self-inflicted disasters, my adviser told me today that I can, in fact, graduate in May. Holy shit. Moreover, instead of having to take 18 hours next semester like I thought, I only need 9. Although in actuality 12, because I won't get all of my grants if I do an underload. So, here's my dilemma: I only need two specific classes to graduate, which make 7 hours. So I can't drop those. The others are Hist of Intel Operations, War in 20th C, Japanese 6, and my research. I can't drop Hist of Intel, because that's a Caddell class and, in fact, pertains to what I want to do when I graduate. I also, obviously, can't drop my research. So, if I want to have a leisurely final semester, I could drop War in 20th C or Japanese. On one hand, I really really love Japanese, and the War class is pretty pertinent to the focus of my major (National Security). On the other hand.... I am incredibly lazy. So, I'm not sure what to do. Obviously I can just try taking them all, and then drop one or both if they're too panic-attack inducing. But I'd feel kind of bad for other people wanting to take those classes--ok, well, maybe not Japanese since the attrition rate is huge and they're plenty of room for all of us that are in it now, but War in 20th C is full with a waitlist, so... yeah. Ultimately, though, it's a nice dilemma to be in.