Twilight by Stephanie Meyer

Jun 06, 2008 16:15

From my sister's early interest, to the various comments on my friends list, to Amanda's reading of the series, I've finally given in and read Twilight by Stephanie Meyer.

First, I'll admit I was pleasantly surprised. It was an easy read, the sort of book you sit down to start and before you know it you're three-hundred-odd pages into the story. The book was like drinking a cold glass of lemonade on a sticky, humid summer day. Completely effortless, light, and satisfying.

So, before I start to delve into all of the things I didn't like about it, I want to say that if you haven't read it yet it is definitely worth reading. I, myself, will be reading the rest of the series.

That said, there are a few tragic flaws that Meyer might have been able to avoid. The first is Bella, the first person narrator of the book. Bella, unfortunately, is like every other female heroine in every other novel targeted at adolescent and teen females. She is dark. She is selfless. She is full of angst. And, she is at times quite annoying. At the same time, however, the reader can't help but identify with her. She is entirely unoriginal.

Her other characters are much the same. You're sucked in by their charm while you spend a few hours in their world, and once you're finished their entirely unmemorable. Edward speaks and acts, oftentimes, like a vampire straight out of an Anne Rice novel. At the same time, he has very manic moments of what I can only describe as "teenage boy must show how macho he is." This really bothers me, as he is apparently supposed to be something like a 90-year-old vampire who's character more suits the 17-year-old boy body he inhabits. I like him, however. Her characters do have a great deal of potential, I just hope she is able to follow through in the rest of the series.

Vampires, Vampires, Vampires, what can I say? I can say that it was much easier for me to read through the novel and not concentrate on the fact that they were actually vampires. I get very angry when I come across vampires in books who don't conform to any sort of "vampire standard" so to speak. It would be different if the reader was offered more of an explanation than "Oh, that's only myth, I'm different." Of course you are, I've heard that line in just about every trashy vampire novel for teens I've ever read, thanks.

Enough vampires.

My final complaint is the lack of plot. I understand the entire, girl meets boy, girl falls in love with boy, boy presents certain complications endangering said relationship... but really... For a book that is close to 500 pages long, ALL, ALL of the action is in the last 50 pages. The other 450 is eventless, save for a few very random, out of place moments... ugh.

Still, I enjoyed it. <3


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