Title: Berk
Character: Seven, Ace
dw100: #479: door
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Not mine, not earning anything from it, no disrespect intended.
Notes: Berk is a character from an children's claymation* tv show called Trap Door and doesn't actually play a part in the story - I suck at titles. (*Uh... does it still get called claymation??)
Ace skidded to a stop beside the Doctor. “Professor!” Sometimes it was as if he didn't even try. “You could've stuck your brolly out; slowed him down a bit. He's through the portal now, him and his 'doomsday' device,” she panted.
“Yes.” The Doctor sounded smug; he'd obviously done... something. “And on that note: When is a door not a door?”
“Now? Really?”
“When it's a jar!” he crowed.
“Oh hey, well done - you got that one right.”
He grinned, pleased. “Especially when it's a very tall jar, with a very tight fitting lid,” he added, grimly.