(no subject)

Mar 01, 2010 12:21

Title: Long Way Down
Fandom: Criminal Minds
Character: Spencer Reid
Rating: G
Notes: Having a weird day so you get Reid's bathroom moment from 2:16 Fear and Loathing, and no punctuation (hopefully not in a bad way).

It's like knowing that if you could just slide your eyes sideways far enough you'll catch him watching you - him - the boogeyman
except your heart never beat so loud when you were six

like knowing that there's someone - something - in the basement
and being too afraid to go down there
only the back of your neck doesn't prickle now your hair is longer

like walking into gym class when the lesson of the day is dodgeball and your classmates are all a foot taller and a couple of dozen pounds heavier than you
except that never tasted like this

like being called to the principal's office
even though you knew you'd done nothing wrong
except be the victim

like having a cop car pull in behind you the first day you had your license
and feeling the steering wheel come alive in your grip
hard and smooth and tactile under the your hands
the same way you can feel every grain of grit on this town's sidewalks through the soles of your shoes

The click of the latch on the bathroom door makes you jump
even though you're the one who locked it
and the tremble in your fingers as you open your bag
is like the day you first held a gun in your hand
knowing it could kill
you could kill

have killed

have escaped being killed
but cannot escape everyone watching you
or the images in your head

and the flood of nausea
is like the moment before busting open a door
weapons drawn

and the tightness in your chest
is like waiting for the sound of gunfire or-

Gideon's voice
Calling from the hall

spencer reid, criminal minds, gen

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