(no subject)

Jun 04, 2009 21:35

Title: Polly Want a Cracker?
Author: mad_jaks
Characters: Jack, Myfanwy, Abby, Connor
Genre: gen, ficlet
Rating: G/PG one of those...
Summary: Jack is a one man retrieval squad.
Notes: So, apparently the way to get me to write close on 1300 words of snippety nonsense - involving characters from a show I enjoy but don't write for - *in comments* is to idly suggest (in the comfort of your own LJ) that you'd like to see a Torchwood/Primeval crossover involving Myfanwy and an anomaly. I blame rustydog for she is all kinds of awesomesauce *g*
Words: 1300-ish
Disclaimer: Not mine - making no money

Unbeta'd or I will lose my nerve and not post it at all so punctuation, grammar and anything-else-you-can-spot catches are more than welcome!

*goes to figure out what the heck to call it*

"Pteranodon," announced Connor, nodding, before backing swiftly out of reach of its beak, "definitely," he added from a safe distance.

Abby rolled her eyes. "Got anything more useful than that? Something maybe any seven year old child with an interest in dinosaurs couldn't tell us."

The pteranodon turned its bony head in her direction, extended its neck in a fair impersonation of a heron and fixed her with both beady eyes.

"They aren't technically a dinosaur?" Connor ventured, frantically gesturing with his hands as Abby stood her ground in front of it.

"I knew that," Abby hissed, "Reptile expert, remember? Something useful."

"This one uh... appears to be female?"

"Useful, Connor!"

"How's that not useful? You're a girl. She's a gir-" He snapped his mouth shut as both pteranodon and Abby glared at him. "Did you see that!" he exclaimed, pushing his hat back on his head, "I think she knows we're talking about her!

"Polly want a cracker?" cooed Abby..

"Fish," put in Connor, "they ate fish-"

"Try chocolate," came an indistinct voice from the general direction of the anomaly.

"Captain Becker?" Connor called, squinting as he tried to turn the backlit blur in front of the packing crates beyond Abby and the pteranodon into the shape of someone he knew.

"You got Captain right, anyway," replied the voice that was as obviously not Becker's, now whoever-it-was had moved closer, as clearly as their silhouette against the brightness of the anomaly told him they weren't dressed in fatigues. Connor fumbled for his weapon.

The stranger took one glance at him and smiled, hands spread wide at waist level. "They don't honestly allow you to use that thing, do they?" he asked, easily. "Seriously, try chocolate," he continued in almost the same breath to Abby. "She'll do anything for it."

"For chocolate?" Abby frowned, one hand already creeping toward her jacket pocket.

"Anything," the man nodded, grinning broadly, all flashing teeth and film star charm - he certainly looked the part, thought Connor, what with the hem of his full length coat swirling around his ankles as he continued to walk toward them, "Believe me."

"Yeah right," Connor sneered, hoping desperately he didn't sound like the fifteen year old he felt like under the 'captain's' steady gaze.

"You're pointing a gun at me, you think I'd lie?"

"Yeah," Connor gestured with the weapon. "Yeah, I do actually. People tend to do that a lot round here. Lie to people. That's close enough!" he barked, voice cracking just a little.

"What, here? Right by the cute blonde?"

"HEY!" spluttered Abby. She had a Mars Bar in her hand Connor noticed, already partly unwrapped; if pteranodons had lips, their one would have been licking hers.

Flushing at his own stupidity, Connor bit his lip. "Maybe not that close."

"Captain Jack Harkness, by the way," the stranger leered at Abby, "and we call my girlfriend here, Myfanwy."

"Myfanwy..." Abby echoed, tipping her head to one side as she raised her hand, "it suits her."

"Wait! Don't!" Connor yelled, springing forward to-

Do absolutely. Nothing.

Myfanwy - and who the hell *named* a dinosaur anyway? They weren't dogs, you couldn't keep one around as a pet-. Fine. So Abby had Rex, that was different. Rex was a lizard, people kept lizards as pets all the time - was still standing on the same spot. The only difference was she wasn't screeching and squawking any more but-

"Is she purring?" asked Abby, delight shining on her face.

"Cute isn't it?" replied Harkness, closing the gap between the pair of them even further, as if Connor weren't standing there, less than five feet away, still with a fully loaded *gun* trained on him. "She does it with her beak. If she were a dog she'd be drooling right now. We taught her how to do that."

"Taught her?" Abby double checked, clearly fascinated.

"Modified her natural behaviour then - left to her her own devices and SNAP! she'd be chewing your arm off right now."

"Have you managed to teach her anything else?"

"Not to eat anyone who isn't covered in barbecue sauce," Harkness replied drily, a touch too quickly for Connor to be sure it was a joke, "but that was kind of the same process."

"When you two have quite finished..." Connor muttered, helplessly. Did he put the gun away and try to look casual now, or what?

Taking Abby's outstretched hand in his own, Harkness slid the chocolate bar from between her fingers before raising an eyebrow at Connor. "You remind me of someone, you know that?"

"Know what!? I don't even know YOU!"

An ID card flashed briefly across Connor's line of vision. "I'm Torchwood." Harkness flashed his megawatt smile again. "Did I forget to mention? And you're-?"

"Abby," replied Abby, watching Myfanwy snatch the Mars Bar, delicately from the air, mid-flight, "and he's Connor."

"Pleased to meet you Connor," Harkness drawled, drawing out the syllables of Connor's name as he looked him over. "Tell me, is that a gun still in your hand, or are you just equally as pleased to meet me?"

"Well I wouldn't say pleased exactly-" Connor huffed.

"But?" Harkness prompted, his eyes flicking upward, briefly. "Nice hat by the way."

Dammit, thought Connor, and now he was blushing. What was he, a twelve year old schoolgirl? Harkness was staring at him; oh yeah, he was expecting an answer. Hastily Connor thrust the gun away, out of sight, into the back waistband of his trousers. "But you not trying to kill us makes me kind of happy." He unstuck his feet from the floor. "Only 'kind of', mind."

"Will me taking Myfanwy back through your-" Harkness paused, frowning, and waved a hand toward the shimmering shards of light that marked the event horizon of the anomaly.

"Anomaly," supplied Connor and Abby in unison.

"Anomaly." Harkness nodded, as if they were only confirming something he already knew.

"Back to where she belongs?" Abby asked.

There was a brief moment of hesitation before Harkness answered - only partly explained by his rooting around in his coat pockets.

"Back to where she belongs," he affirmed, idly waving an industrial sized bar of Dairy Milk in his hand like a dog walker with a stick.

Connor shrugged. “Maybe.”

“It'll make me happy." Abby beamed at Harkness then glared at Connor over her shoulder. It was no good trying to argue with her when she was prepared to use that particular look on him; he felt his shoulders slump in defeat.

"Very happy," he conceded, gruffly. Oh my god, was he pouting? It sounded like he was pouting.

"I'd step back out of the way if I were you," Harkness added, as Myfanwy began her chattering purr again - her head tracking the movement of his arm, "she's not always careful where she puts her claws."

He launched the bar, still in its wrapper and, for a moment, it glittered and hung in the air-

And then they were all on the ground and Myfanwy was screeching delightedly, a few feet over their heads - her talons scrabbling on the concrete, half hopping, half flapping her wings as she chased after it.

"Sorry," said Harkness, as they scrambled back to their feet. "I guess I threw a bit too early. Timing was never my strong suit."

For a split second he appeared to come to attention, heels together, arms by his sides, and then he was running for the anomaly himself - his long strides eating up the ground as it began to shrink.

"Bye then." Connor threw after him, "Glad to have been of help!" he snarled, grabbing blindly at Abby's hand as he turned on his heel. "I suppose a thank you would've been out of the question?" he grumbled, loudly.

"...nk you properly next time!" Came Harkness's voice, as a gust of cold air blew past them.

Beside him Abby grinned and squeezed his hand, and Connor threw his head back and laughed.

myfanwy, ficlet, abby, connor, torchwood/primeval, jack, gen

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