(no subject)

Jul 15, 2008 11:31

Title: Web of Fear
Author: mad_jaks
Characters: Donna, Ten
Genre: Gen
Rating: G
Prompt: dw100:Second Doctor episode titles
Summary: Donna saves the Doctor
Notes: I cannot help myself - I am convinced the Tenth Doctor is *actually* afraid of spiders
Disclaimer: Not mine - making no money

Web of Fear

“Oh come on Doctor - it's just a little spider! It's not like it's twenty foot tall with horns and a face...” Donna crooned - or what amounted to crooning for her. “If I can deal with it you can.”

“Just... keep it away from me. Please?”

She tossed her hair. “Not like you to be species-ist. Species-ist? Is that even a word?”

Species-ist... He rolled it around inside his head. It had a certain ring to it.

“Course-” Careless, she brushed the flimsy web complete with its occupant off the railing. “-I'd say 'specious'... but that's not really you either, is it?”

drabble, who, ten/donna, gen

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