Title: Two Bipeds Walk Into a Bar
mad_jaksCharacters: Nine, Jack
Genre: Drabble, gen
Rating: G
dw100#193: insult
Summary: Two bipeds run out of a bar.
Disclaimer: Not mine - making no money
“True story,” Jack begins, appearing beside the Doctor, “this biped walks into a bar-.” He breaks off and the Doctor rolls his eyes, digging him in the ribs with an elbow.
“Go on then!”
“And has a slight misunderstanding with one of the regulars-.” Jack grabs the Doctor's sleeve and pulls.
“What did you do, Captain?”
“Short version?
The Doctor nods as they run.
“He said something. I took it the wrong way.”
“Kissed him you mean!”
Jack ducks a flying krug bottle. “Look, where I come from you say something like that to a guy it's a definite compliment!”