my mom's birthday is saturday!
The Big 5-4!
There’s something about Judy, and that’s a fact,
Talent and charm she does not lack.
Smarts she has, too-you can see it in her work,
She solves problems that would drive others bezerk.
Her hand-eye coordination deserves much fame,
Because her life’s a big juggling game!
But she never drops a ball, I don’t understand it,
For what she balances, to her you gotta hand it.
Work and the fam: Tom, Yeats, Pierce, and Jackie,
Her schedule would drive ’most anyone wacky.
Yet she always has time to lend an ear,
To hear a monologue that you fear.
She’ll forgive you even if you lose her stuff,
Or forget to pick her up, so she’s gotta ride the bus
But that something about Judy is probably her heart,
It’s so big, it’s off-the-chart!
Give, give, give, that’s all she knows,
She never even bothers with her own woes.
Time for herself? Ha! What a joke!
Go, go, go - pause for a diet coke,
Then go, go, go more, always for others--
Something for me, something for my brothers,
Something for TJ, something for Alan,
Even if she’s tired and her head’s a-howlin!
And no one catches a frown, just an ever-present smile
Which cheers you right up when you’ve been down for awhile,
She’ll help you out when you’re totally helpess,
Because that woman is incredibly selfless.
When you talk with her, it’s all about YOU:
How’s your life? How do you do?
And look on our fridge, you’ll see lots of pictures,
Of me, Dad, and the boys, it’s quite a mixture.
But where’s our Matriarch? Our Queen Mother Bee?
She’s everywhere at once, yet her you can’t see,
Because she’s behind the lens, running the show,
Making everything happen, but not letting others know.
Us kids may be in the pics, with out trophies and awards,
But it was Mom who got us there, pushing us towards
Our utmost potential, our ambitions and dreams,
While she stayed behind and tied up the seams.
So on your b-day, Mom, we just want to say,
Thanks for making our each and every day.
Thanks for the support, the claps, the cheers,
Thanks for the gift we’ve received all these years:
The gift of YOU, our wonderful Mom,
Who we all agree is DA BOMB. =P
So on this birthday, the big fifty-four,
We ask: can we have fifty-four more?
in other news, bonding with my brothers is the best use of my time. last night at midnight the movie was the rules of attraction. though slightly disturbing at points, i must say i was kind of impressed. better than i thought it would be, anyway. and james van der beek...well, if he did more roles like this, he could actually break his dawson image.
tonight was equilibrium...a kind of take-off on fahrenheit 451. wasn't all that great, but that fight scene at the end kicked ass. christian bale is a great actor, and sean bean just rocks...when he's not being a stupid traitor (goldeneye).
campout tomorrow! w00t w00t! i've been making jello all night for our
oh please let the weather be nice.