ENFJ - "Persuader". Outstanding leader of groups. Can be aggressive at helping others to be the best that they can be. 2.5% of total population.
Take Free Myers-Briggs Personality Test I don't care so much for their paragraph explanation as just for the individual letters...I mean, E and F and J describe me SO much more than "Persuader."
Small differences from freshman year? Yes. Freshman year I was 0% Introverted and 0% Thinking (hahaha). I'm a little of both now. Introverted in that I've come to enjoy some downtime every now and then...like driving home alone at night with no distractions but my own thoughts. Thinking in that I've learned you've got to agree with your mind over your heart at least some of the times, or you're bound to get hurt. Yet I still rely on the heart 80% of the time.
Also, I think freshman year I was more likely to pick the extremes--NO I HATE ISOLATION (1), or YES I VALUE COMPASSION MORE THAN COMPETENCE (5). I think age and experience has taught me more about myself and other people, and how it isn't always one way or the other. You need some moderation.
Fun to do. Way more accurate than any astrology/horoscope crap. (*cough Sebastian cough*)