- We had a friend over! And he'll be getting our old sofabed. So I'll finally have room for a proper and hopefully ergonomic work desk. :D We also decided we'd try to do weekly sketchdates to get back our Inner Artists. I hope we can push through with that.
- sent off client invoices!
- worked out a schedule w/ my adviser--basically going to defend twice next sem so I hopefully finally graduate by May @_@
- shot my clients e-mails basically stating I have to scale back on work because Thesis /)_(\
-- cue anxietybrain fretting over money aaaaaa
--- on bright side, guess will focus on art/personal writing during downtimes??
- Went to the gym with my partner.
- Watched Moana with my partner and his sister.
- Had dinner with partner and his family.
- Met up with mom at a nearby mall.
- Did some groceries!
- Went to 3rd home and slept.
- Went to the thrift store. Got a lot of nice tops for v. cheap! :D
- Helped my mom shop for new blouses.
- Got complimented by one of the clerks at random? ("Infernezz, ganda ng buhok mo, a! Ngayon lang ako nakakita ng ganyan!" / "In fairness, great hair! I've never seen hair like that before!")
--- speaking of which the other week or so I
dyed my hair rainbow :D
- mom got me a cute tiny pink desk lamp for my upcoming new work desk she is lovely
- we replaced the tiny pink alarm clock she got me with an actual working one, ahaha
- ate at Sbarro! they didn't tell mom all the meatballs and chicken are add-ons. sneaky >:(
- Woke up really, really late /)_(\ Still at 3rd home!
- made myself breakfast: bread and cream cheese, coffee
- waiting for mom to get back so I have a ride back to my place
- trying to get some progress done on some online courses while waiting
--- gonna focus on client work all day tomorrow :Db
- got paid by Client #1 yay!
- looking up how to register business name because how do
--- it is going to cost a lot of money
---- i cry again
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