u_u Facing the Day

Nov 16, 2016 11:26

u_u Does anybody have any advice for somebody who keeps crawling back into the bed covers every time they're done eating breakfast? The extra sleep I've been taking ranges from 1.5 hrs to 4 hrs. Today it was about 2 hours... granted, this has only been going on for the last three days, so maybe it's just a thing I'll get out of?

I'd really appreciate any advice I can get. I feel like it's due to just... not wanting to face the day, maybe being afraid of something--of submitting lackluster work? Which makes no sense because I've been doing just fine for months now. I feel like last week's political events may have had something to do with with my overall drop in feelings.

But yeah, I appreciate any advice I can get. I might try to make a list of 'Things to Look Forward To When I Get Up' tonight.

Hi! This was originally posted at http://itsamellama.dreamwidth.org/157176.html. You can comment there using OpenID. I mainly use Dreamwidth now; please feel free to follow me there!


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