(no subject)

May 19, 2007 23:42

im making ramen noodles. delicious.
im pretty tipsy.
i just had REALLY good sex. I mean REALYY EREALLY good sex.
kjlkjsflkjdsf i love sex.
x infinity.
jake's pee pee makes me happy.
i hope my water boils soon i want my ramen noodles.
ramen noodles, sex, sparks, and the boys are home.
what more can i ask for?

i saw chris today.
and dye and ro.
i missed those guys so fucking much.
i didn't realize it really until i gave them all hugs.
im so glad they're all home.
so so so so glad.
this deployment was hell for them.

i learned today that jake got hit with a couple IEDs.
im REALLY happy that i thought he didn't.
and that i thought he was just hanging out on base all day.
considering that's NOT what he was doing.
but hey i didn't know that and it kept me sane while he was gone.
so i can't complain.

sex is good.
and i got some tonight.
that's what up SNITCHES.


i miss my boo.
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