A night out

Nov 24, 2006 00:49

It’s 2.32 am and I have to get up early in the morning. What am I doing writing an entry????

Went to a house warming party on Saturday. To begin with, all was awkward. Soon after chatting to my host’s husband, I got chatting to her lover. With the former things were strange and I must give him a ring. The latter seemed quite nice. We spoke a bit. He talked about our laughing was going against life, because life is hard so ‘by laughing, we spit in its face.’

Met a woman just back from a seven year stint in Ireland. She is still enamored with the place, so we talked about all things Ireland ... in Greek, where she would use ‘we’ when referring to my homeland and I could use neither ‘we’ nor ‘they’ for either.

Did some dancing. It’s my contribution to parties: that and killing the Greek language. Our host refused to take anyone’s hint so the music was terrible and it was all an effort on my behalf. Only myself and another woman took to the floor. I thought she was around my age but wasn’t looking after herself very well. Turned out she was sixty-five (and is a yoga teacher; if there is a connection).

On my way out, guests asked me to stay without really giving me a reason to.

Then I went to some gay clubs but didn’t go in.

My taxi driver on the way home told me how selfish it was of me not to have children.
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