Feb 16, 2006 06:16
Let me start off by saying this is not aimed at any one person and/or group, in fact I am even being critical of myself. So here comes the rant...ready, set, go...
First rant, life is what you make of it. Life throws us many curve balls, it is up to us to swing or watch it go by. If you swing and try to do something with the "pitch" good for you, if you choose to watch it go by and wait for your next "pitch" it is your choice, either way it is how you react after that picth that dictates just how bad the curve really was. On the other hand, we often put ourseleves in the situations that lead us to failure. I have done it, you have done, WE ALL have done it. So to complain about it does nobody any good. I will be there for you to lean on, but when you make the same mistake over and over again, it gets down right old. So my advice to myself and to you the reader...just keep playing the game of life, it will eventually even out; learn from your (mine) mistakes. Think things through before you act. Often times we all act rashly and it gets us in situations we do not want to be in. This aplies to all areas of life whether it be your job, relationship, living situation, school, etc. Always remember to leave time for fun. Lastly, leave time for inner reflection, no I do not mean mediatation, but we all need to have our time alone to think and reflect. This can be done driving home from work at 7AM in the morning (in my case), or even right before you fall asleep as you turn the TV off or put down that great book, just reflect, it is amazing what comes into your head, sometimes it is something so random that it takes your minds off of the bad things and puts it back ont he good things.
Second, certain people do not get along...I understand that, however, just b/c you dislike or even hate someone, does not mean that I have to dislike someone just because I am your friend. A true friend does not ask someone to choose. I hate being put in the middle of two people, whether it be friends or co-workers, it makes for bad situations.
I hope this rant does not cause people to think I am mad at them or anything, because in all honesty... I am not. Ask some of my closest friends Tom, Matt, Mike, etc., I rarely stay mad or ill tempered towards anyone, it is not my personality. I have been a little quiet lately towards my friends, nothing meant by it, I have been working a ton of hours and I was a little under the weather, no biggy, I'll be back to my usual annoying, outgoing self in no time...esp since St. Patrick's Day is coming up. This year Laurie and I are going to be the drunks, right Laurie? HAHAHA PLus reenacting season is not far away, and even though I complain about certain things, I would not trade our unit for the world.
That is all.