Untangle me.

Mar 21, 2005 23:10

I've had a rather fulfilling day. I kind of felt like I should just throw myself full throttle into my studies in order to take my mind off of yesterday's events. But even now, I keep on thinking they're waiting outside the door...waiting to come and get me. This must be a side effect of being visited by a Jobo, they make you think they're waiting to drag you into the shadows with them. Seriously sinister stuff. Just remember to watch out for a lady in a red jacket...or failing that,people who look like they're convassing up and down your road.

But on a lighter note, I did get quite a lot of reading and some college work done. I finished 'Practical Ethics' by Peter Singer and have now moved onto 'Feminist Theology' by Ann Loades which is really interesting, but I'm not sure if I completely agree with some of the things in it, but likewise I was the same with Practical Ethics. I still like to read it, even if I do not necessarily agree. As Voltaire said: 'I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it'. Hehe, oh yes indeed. I have also managed to do some Ethics work, a whole eight questions so far on Environmental Ethics which is pretty easy to understand at least for me, now that I've studied bits of it and understand the concepts behind it, not that I didn't already however. Ahh, shopping tomorrow, how wonderful for me.

...and now I'm off for a shower and some more deep philosophising.
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