Feb 28, 2005 22:54
Mondays are either profoundly good or irredeemably awful. Today was more profoundly good overall. I only had one lesson all day, which was very pleasing indeed. It was Ethics and except for the fact that I forgot to do my presentation, all went well and it was just mere note taking which wasn't too difficult really. Miss Reed's lessons can be piss easy given the right situation. So anyway, I spent most of today revising in the afternoon and feeling a little bit peeved off in the morning due to a few snidey comments passing my way, but I chose to turn the other cheek and ignore it, which was undoubtedly the right option as otherwise I just would've got wound up over it and gone crazy or something. Stuff like that isn't worth it anyway. In a few months I'll be out of the place and a new era will be beginning for me, it's going to be a real revelation of sorts. I can't wait.
This afternoon I printed off a PN1 form for my finances at University, which has to be sent off for the deadline of 28th of April if you want your loan to come into effect when you start at your institution. I've started to fill it in, so all is well with that. I also need to send off my offers soon, I worry far too much I tell thee, it's not good for my health. But at least I'm not physically abusing myself like a lot of people do, excessive drinking, smoking, etc...I do none of that (ok so the former is questionable), but generally I'm a good girl, anybody can see that. Yep.
I had a driving lesson this evening, which went alright. Not as good as last time however, I seem to be a bit dodgy with the clutch now and again, but my instructor was nice enough, he hasn't been shouting lately, which is definitely encouraging...and has certainly made me feel more confident on the roads. The only real problem I've been having of late is with the slowness of my computer, which needs a right kick up the arse if it ever needed one, now would be the time to do it. My Mum was thinking about me getting a laptop for going away to University with, but my Dad is against the idea as he thinks it will be easier to steal, which I suppose is a fair enough point on the opposition side to not getting one. Oh well, I'm sure this one will do.
Oh, I had the weirdest dream last night. I dreamt that I had a sister, but me and her died together and we were reborn, but she was born inside a log and I was outside of it. Every time she began to cry to be let out of it, these gems would start to glow on the outside of the log. It was crazy I tell you. So I tried to find a way of letting her out,I ran across this massive field with a huge lake only to arrive at this house...I ran inside and my Grandad was in there. He gave me a saw and I ran back across the field back to the log, only to start sawing away...but it came to nothing. I woke up before I ever got to set her free.
I think that's the part I couldn't handle.