001. time? 2:57 PM
002. date? february 4th 2005
003. jewelry? none
004. clothes? jeans, button up shirt
005. taste? nothinggg
006. sound? from first to last
007. crush? girlfriend<3
008. best friend? jarrett<3
009. emotion? anxious
010. thing in sight? computer, cell phone, wallet
G e n e r a l I n f o r m a t o n
011. name? robert
012. nickname? rob...robby... yup=)
013. birthday? feb 26th
014. sex? male
015. location? vegas
016. grade? 11th
017. school? bonanza
018. jobs? courtesy clerk at Albertsons =/
019. siblings? 2 sisters 1 brother
020. pets? nope
T h e L a s t
021. movie you saw? detroit rock city<3
022. movie you rented? napoleon dynamite
023. song you listened to? fear before - should have stayed in the shallows
024. person you talked to? mom
025. person you called? nicole<3
026. person that called you? garrett
027. person you IMed? either nicole or jarrett
028. person that sent you a text message? nicole
029. thing you wrote? a note for the girlfriend
030. thing you read? dun know
F r i e n d s
031. best? jarrett
032. funniest? all my friends are funny
033. trustworthy? jarrett / nicole
034. advice? all of them do
035. loudest? garrett
036. quietest? bryan
037. most athletic? none of us are
038. most girly? jarrett....jk kid
039. smartest? jake / jarrett
040. fallen for?
C u r r e n t B u d d y L i s t
041. total people? a whopping 40 lol
042. total people online? 12
043. away messages up? 6
044. people on cell phones? 0
045. screen names you have? alot?
H a v e Y o u E v e r
046. kissed someone? yes
047. kissed a stranger? nope
048. snuck out at night? nopee
049. run away? no
050. cursed at mom/dad? once
051. gone to church? i have
052. lied to someone you love? yes
053. cried yourself to sleep? dont think so
054. played spin the bottle? nope
055. gone skinny dipping? nope
056. showered? yes
057. been to a funeral? yes
058. been to a bar/bat mitzvah? WRONG
059. seen an R rated movie? yes
060. had sex? noooope
D o Y o u
061. drink? not reallly
062. smoke or do drugs? nope
063. have gay friends? no
064. have lesbian friends? no
065. have bisexual friends? yes
E i t h e r O r
066. hot or cold? cold
067. white or black? black
068. spring or fall? fall
069. looks or personality? personality
070. sunrise or sunset? sunrise
071. smart or stupid? smart
072. video or dvd? dvd
073. tape or cd? cd
074. jock, prep, or skater? i don't care
075. serious or sarcastic? sarcastic
F u t u r e
076. college? wherever
077. career? whatever
078. place of marriage? where ever she wants
079. wife? =)
080. number of children? 3
081. two girls names? tristen and ashley
082. two boys names? jackson and morgan
083. car? what ever i drive
084. house? the one i live in
085. place to live? whereEVER
F a v o r i t e
086. movie? fight club
087. actor? edward norton
088. actress? julia roberts
089. food? PIE
090. drink? dr pepper
091. alcoholic drink? lolllol...>_>
092. tv show? growing pains
093. tv channel? whatever you like
094. number? you can't count that high =)
095. song? right now.. promise.
096. band? HIM
097. artist? ville<3
098. color? blue
099. thing to do? spending time with the girlfriend / jarrett, jake and bryan
boring...yes. but it gave me something to do.
100. current time? 4:16 am