ugh damn people

Jan 09, 2005 20:02

for those of you that are living breathing humans...

talking is not a bad thing
if you are being offended in any way and talking crap would help you in whatever your acheving
talking crap to someone who did not say or do anything to make you offencive
then maybe you should reconsider why you are talking crap
cuase in that case
you dont make any fucking sence to the person shit is being talked upon
and after that stuff happence things that could offend people might happen

an example of something like this could be a simple question
why is that? how would that happen? could you please explain? i dont understand? how do you come to this conclusion?

there are a few questions
none of those are offencive
and none of those are directly personal questions so even if your a (for example) testosterone raging male or perhaps a woman on her period or just plain retarted
now this post is not offencive
do you know why?
cuase it is not directed to a single person a group or anyone at all
no one will know who this is directed to cuase i does not say
and do not assume its you! for that my readers is plain retarted
now the basis of this post was for information use
if you have learned something on not being a total moron
i will greatly honored
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