Oct 03, 2011 16:55
[Why is she still on this side?? What's going on?? Is everyone dead?? The Queen is going to be so maaaaad!! SOB!!!
In other words, little miss Saintana is still on the Real Side, while the Real Thing Santana is mirrorside, doing who knows what. Saintana has spent the whole time pretty much hidden in Santana's room, terrified that the rebellion's violence would carry on over here.
Considering the fires and explosions and crashed trains, she's not really far off there.
Anyway, for the first time, she's venturing out of the room! To the library! She's so brave, guys; come tell her so!]
(replies will be made by itsacoldone, naturally.)
eway: evelyn,
eway: philip,
post: eway,
eway: mirror!ms,
eway: mirror!puck,
eway: event