But of course. I have always had a fondness for culture.
Curses...yes. They little "gifts" given to us by the City. The variety of what they are shifts, of course. For example, today things have been censored.
It really is one of the more amusing curses.
Allow me to introduce myself. I am Lestat de Lioncourt.
(ooc: Censoring -- how effing fitting for the Marquis to come in today XD)
That sounds absolutely absurd, but for now, since no other explanation will present itself, I will take your word for it. Just until I get to the bottom of things.
As for being a Lioncourt -- that's not possible. The last members of the Lioncourt family were whiped out like many of the nobles during the Revolution and the Terror.
He and my father had some dealings when I was younger. My father did not stay in touch in later years and passed well before the Revolution. I seem to remember the Lioncourts as an older family with no real money left -- probably why my father severed ties. He did not much like being reminded of his own debts, you see.
And you are the Marquis d'Auvergne's son? Forgive me if I find that hard to believe. I saw the last of them beheaded with my own eyes.
I had abandoned my family by that time. Left then in pursuit of other things. If I recall, I was traveling the world with Gabrielle when I received the news of their deaths.
Cursed as well. Such a pity.
Still, I welcome you.
What is all this talk of curses?
Curses...yes. They little "gifts" given to us by the City. The variety of what they are shifts, of course. For example, today things have been censored.
It really is one of the more amusing curses.
Allow me to introduce myself. I am Lestat de Lioncourt.
That sounds absolutely absurd, but for now, since no other explanation will present itself, I will take your word for it. Just until I get to the bottom of things.
As for being a Lioncourt -- that's not possible. The last members of the Lioncourt family were whiped out like many of the nobles during the Revolution and the Terror.
You are familiar with my family? And my father, the Marquis d'Auvergne?
And you are the Marquis d'Auvergne's son? Forgive me if I find that hard to believe. I saw the last of them beheaded with my own eyes.
So the last of my brothers was beheaded? Hm, it is amazing my father survived any of it. But it also explains why he fled France.
Still, I am...or rather was his youngest son. Destined to inherit nothing and always forgotten.
It's occurred to me that I never asked your name. Your family name, I know. But your given name?
The Marquis de Sade, at your service.
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