Name/Nickname: Khursten
AIM/E-mail/Contact: punkednoodle (AIM), LJ: khursten
Canon Character and Series: Date Masamune, Sengoku Basara
In-Game Name: Date Masamune
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Position & Ship: Representative (Vohemar) / Diplomat (Vohemar), Amestris
Appearance: One would always see Date Masamune standing tall and proud in front of people, wearing his battle armor of steel plates in shades of silver and blue. The man, in front of the public, wears a smug smile, a patch covering his lost eye and an astounding helmet decorated with a headpiece crafted in the shape of a bright golden crescent moon. Strapped to his waist are six swords - three on each side - always ready for him to draw them out in battle.
Without the crazy helmet, he’s still quite a charmer with his tall lean figure and dark brown hair. If he’s not in front of his men, one would see him casually dressed in his yukata or simply without his armor. However, his swords never stray from his side. But one would never forget the enigmatic charisma the man bears whenever he’s around. You couldn’t help but look at him. You can’t help but admire him. It is because of this proud stature and the way he carries himself without falter that people (both friends and enemies alike) have taken to call him the One Eyed Dragon.
Personality: The public figure of Date Masamune entails a strong leader who is fearless, confident and never backs down in his battles. He’s not the type who would play politics to get his way and he will fight his battles out of his own strengths and devices. The man knows no fear and will head on straight to his battles without flinching. His bravery is immensely admirable and many people are drawn to this strength.
His soldiers love his badass leadership -- the noble blood knight who pushes his army to the ends of the earth make him a formidable opponent to his enemies. Some would think that his arrogance and his pride will be the death of him. But for his men, he’s a jerk with a heart of gold.
But it’s not all about being cool for this leader. He’s a tactician, a brave strategist in battle. While he may fight head on with all his guns blazing, he will make sure that his men are lead towards the right direction. As a living example of heroism, Masamune shows them how to fight courageously. In battle, one would hear his voice roaring, calling all of his men to battle, a party where all of them would strut their best. He knows how to raise their moral with his loud battlecries, his bravery on the battlefield, and kindness towards his people.
In spite of this driven attitude, the man is noble and would always think of his clan over his own achievements. He will back down when he knows the battle is too costly for his army and at times he would take on the battle on his own. Masamune is one who knows the weight of his actions on his shoulders -- fight the hard battle while he still can but hold back if it meant the loss of his army.
Out of the battlefield, he is a man in constant reflection, the kind who thinks of nothing but best for his clan. Gone is the arrogant leader. Masamune’s the good ‘ol war buddy, the reliable folk everyone loves. In his private sphere, he is a kind-hearted fellow who would listen to his men in earnest. Trust, of course, is something hard-earned for Date Masamune. The reason why Masamune fights his battles alone is because the only person he could really trust is himself and in his own people. In this manner, he is highly emotionally invested in them and they will always be his immediate concern.
However, he does recognize acts of kindness when its placed upon him. Even when his enemies show him mercy, he is humble enough to take it and even return the favor should his enemy need it. He’s a man who recognizes the strengths, values, and morals of other people and gives his due respect in return.
He’s not a bloodthirsty fellow, and has proven to be quite merciful to those who taunt or lure him into their plans. He is, however, a just man. He would not take any injustice, backstabbing and/or betrayal lying down, even when it doesn’t concern him. Putting all of this together, its not much of a wonder why Masamune has come be be respected so widely by many various people, even by those who consider themselves to be his opponents.
Abilities/Weapons: Trained in the fine art of swordsmanship since his youth, the man can wield six swords at the same time. He begins his battles with one and uses his six swords to increase the intensity and the reach of his attacks. As a fighter he is agile, quick, strong enough to stop attacks of men who are thrice stronger than him, steadfast in keeping his position, focused in taking down ten or thirty men before him. And while he vastly prefers fighting with his swords, he is however not averse to using guns when the situation calls for it.
He can stand on a horse. He’s quite an exemplary equestrian that he can make his horse jump over broken bridges without even having to hold on a reign.
As a leader, he’s a brilliant tactician and a charismatic general, able to command over thousands of men. As part of the militaristic Oshuu clan, he too knows of various weapons, from artillery to swords, canons to planes. If he wishes to maximize his army, he has to know everything about it. And in that manner, he also knows how to party hard so that he can enjoy it to the fullest.
His experience wandering around Vohemar with his clan as a private militia group taught him various dialects spoken all over the Vohemaro region. His knowledge of the language enables him to create ties and rivals in various groups, all the more making him the strong general that he is today.
As part of an army, he has a high tolerance for pain. And he’s lovin’ it.
How well can your character hack?: Masamune is capable of protecting his information but not enough to hack other folks. He wouldn’t express interest in hacking though and would sooner hire the services of others to procure information for him. His right-hand man probably does that job.
His hacking skills are, as stated above, NONE. Nada. Nil. Zitch. Zip. You get the general picture.
Weaknesses: Physically, Masamune has a different sense of visual perception because of his eye. The man has a blind spot and should the enemy know him well, he might be able to catch the man off guard if he could only find this spot near his left eye.
Masamune’s clan is his greatest weakness. For them, he will stop fighting, if necessary. For them, he will change his plans and push himself harder even if it meant he would die. He sees himself as the only person responsible enough to take care of his clan hence he will do anything and everything for them -- within his own brand of justice, and as long as he can answer to himself at the end of the day.
Because of this, Date doesn’t answer well to authority nor is he one to simply bow down to a person just because of his title. He is far too arrogant to take one’s merit at face value (not that this is a terribly bad thing). People should prove themselves to him first before he would give them his attention and approval. In return, he’s not an easy person to get along with, but all in good time, with great sincerity and perseverance, one could have his respect. One could also take the easy way and just duel with him. That’s always a good test of character for the general. So long as you don’t mind getting a few possible bruises.
Personality-wise, his own emotions is his greatest foe. His temperament can push him to do crazy shit that others would at least think twice before doing. He can be hard-headed to a fault and if you stir up his anger, you will face his wrath at least until he has taken you down to hell itself. He is easily swayed by acts of bravery and this means that some of his actions may be emotionally motivated. Hence, to compensate for this weakness, his right-hand man is there to open up his perspective. But now that he isn’t here, nobody’s going to be able to stop Masamune properly, and one can tell that is going to be an eventual recipe for disaster.
History: Date Masamune was born in small town near Bydan called Sendai. His father founded and owned a small militia army called the Oshu clan. It was a fairly large clan, consisting of over 500 strong and able men when Masamune was born.
As soon as he could crawl, his father already accustomed Date with a sword. Hence, it was not difficult for the boy to be at ease with their clan’s lifestyle. By the age of eight, he was already the best swordsman of the clan despite the fact that he lost his right eye around that time through an illness. By twelve, he had his own platoon. By thirteen, he won his first mission. By eighteen, he aided in greatly weakening the brewing peasant revolts in Bydan that made him earn the long-standing nickname of Oshu’s ‘One Eyed Dragon’ (dokuganryu). It was said that he slew over thousands of men in an hour, and there were even rumors that he was the one responsible for bringing down the famous Shiroyasha himself during those revolts.
The campaigns to maintain peace during the Bydan revolution gave the Oshu clan strong political clout in the city. They started from providing military aide to the city. In a few years time, the Oshu were as good as the military arm of the city. Because of this, Masamune was sent in and out of not only Bydan but in nearby towns all over Reial. He was an emissary of sorts, coordinating with other militias protecting other towns as well as to challenge those who tried to stand up against the codes of the clan.
One of those ventures took him all the way to Solare in Ivona, where there had been rumors of a clan that was there gathering its forces in order to launch an attack against the Date clan. Masamune, personally intrigued by stories of strong people living in those backwater streets, decided to head out there with only himself and his trusted right-hand man in order to prove his name by taking care of that clan personally. While he was there, rumors of the infamous ‘Demon of Solare’ came floating around - rumors that Masamune decided to follow and eventually led him to meet the then fifteen-year-old Hijikata Toshirou. A couple of things happened (some of them rather memorable), but the two eventually forged an unspoken bond of respect and trust for each other in the year they were together. Eventually his business was properly settled, and Masamune had to return back to Vohemar - but not before promising the other than they would meet again someday, one way or another.
The success of his campaign in Ivona, and the others that have been linked to his name made Masamune one of the strongest generals to be known in Vohemar. This made the man earn respect not only within his home city of Bydan but also in other places all over the region.
In the last ten years since then, he’s gained a very strong political clout in Vohemar’s politics that many people in the council have started to consider him as a great threat, especially with the way he did things (most of which involved him having raised too much hell for them to handle). Eventually, they decided that it was best if Masamune was sent somewhere where he couldn’t do much to hurt them (supposedly). So under the guise of the well-being of Vohemar, they sent him as a representative of the nation onto the recently-established diplomatic ship called the Amestris.
Masamune was mildly apprehensive at first about being away from his clan, but if it meant that the Oshu’s clout could reach across the nation and perhaps even spread around the whole continent of Reial itself, then perhaps it was in the best interest to be on board the Amestris to accomplish this. It certainly wasn’t his brand of diplomacy, but if it meant giving Reial (and more importantly, his people) peace, then he felt that no one could do it best but him.