Provincetown pics

Aug 12, 2007 14:36

And yet some more pics!  These are from my recent trip to Provincetown at the tip of Cape Cod at the end of July.

A walk along the breakwater

The house (actually Dan and Ted own a place up there and we rented the place right next to theirs as well).

On bikes

Me and Ted at the Boatslip

Eric, Ted & I at the spot where the pilgrims allegedly first landed.  They couldn't find any freshwater there so moved on until they reached Plymouth.

Tea dance at the Boatslip with a couple guys we met from Portland, OR.

Topher, me and the Portland guys posing with the real life Hat Sisters (check out the comic The Mostly Unfabulous Life of Ethan Greene if you don't know who they are).  As I said to a couple of my friends, "Wait ... they actually exist?"
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