Jan 18, 2011 08:43
My fellow Canadians and free thinking readers,
I just can’t stand by shake my head quietly; feel my heart break and just watch the destruction of America.
Something has to be said about the absolutely unacceptable state of affairs that has become the United States and the recent deaths of homosexual youth at the hand of suicide.
I know that’s a strong statement to make but it’s sadly accurate. The deaths of these children have been dismissed and pushed aside like the death of a 9 year old that was slain in a public shooting in Arizona as well as a democrat senator who fights for her life has been pushed out of the limelight to make way for whatever the conservative agenda of the day is. Pretty sick, isn’t it?
Republicans would like the world to accept bullying and cruelty as normalcy in the United States by dismissing anything that happens to occur that makes their party or agenda look sinister.
(It’s just kids being kids- these social situations make those victimized stronger.. and if not they’re cowards. Well cowards or not dearies- they’re dead. How does that bode with you?)
Now, obviously there has to be some form of “sympathy” shown to the public or they’ll come off as monsters so what do the Republicans do? Well- They’re going to candy coat it and make it seem like anyone who disagrees is in alliance with the devil. It’s true- I’m just not right with Jesus. We had a falling out after the whole women were constructed from a rib of a man fairytale and where women doomed society in the creation myth.
Just so you know- I’m probably going to be demonized after I publish this post so to those of you who are sure I’m going to Hell- have fun with that thought- since Hell is an imaginary place just like your imaginary God. While you're floating around in Heaven and I'm sizzling in hell- say hello to Santa, the Easter Bunny and the tooth fairy for me will you?
Yeah, I said it. The sad thing is only half of the people that read this will say- she’s right. The other half will immediately pray that I find the Lord and repent my sins so that if I die tomorrow I can spend the rest of eternity in Heaven playing hopscotch with Jesus.
I digress, I’m not completely atheist but consider this atheism is fun and accurate- how can people deny evolution as a theory? Do you even know the definition of a theory in scientific terms? Evolution has been proven accurate and divine design is just as lovely a dream as Santa Clause. I refuse to use the word intelligent before design because there is nothing intelligent about such a insane fabrication of existence.
I mean how hard could attending a Christian school be in the US- every answer would be “Jesus made it so.” I shudder at the thought of how a biology or chemistry lab would function in such a school. They just are expensive decorations that give the allure to parents that their children are getting a decent education. After all, Jesus brought them to that school anyway as part of his divine plan, right?
Hold on a sec, this is where I take a minute to vomit.
Now, it’s deplorable that hate is being considered acceptable and I have young adults who identify as republicans are telling me - well it’s just one big misunderstanding and everything negative about the LGBTQ has been “worded in poor taste” yet you feel the attacks are merited and accurate don’t you my little bigot? Yes, you do…but you could never admit that openly so it's so much easier to hide behind God isn't it?
I don’t believe I’ve misunderstood anything. How do you put the fact that the LGBTQ community is under fire in good taste? How do you deny that the death count of children is climbing due to the staging intolerance that has been bred into your society?
What if it were white children being bullied by black children?
Oh right, I’m sorry that’s due to the fact that the homosexual or perceived homosexual children are cowards and take their own lives because your horrible children made their lives miserable.
However, we can’t blame you- you did a great job with little Billy the bully. He’s a good Christian boy. That good Christian boy tortured another child and now that other child’s family has a big hole in their heart where their baby used to be.
Proud of yourselves, parents? Oh… wait… bad feelings again- better cover that up with little victim was a bit odd anyway and it was rumoured he played with guns. Let’s blame the victim and move on right?
(This is the scary part, folks. Children are being taught that this way of thinking is right- they have national news corporations peddling this type of hateful agenda and calling it "family values" comforting isn’t it?
Knowing if you send your children to public school in the US they could be sitting next to one of the spawns of hatred that claim to be holy- then when they hit 14 will abuse the child sitting next to him because he has feelings he can’t explain for that child and growing up in such a restrictive house hold it’s better to exploit than explore any feelings that might be “unnatural”.) Enter teen suicide and a death count that should put most people to shame yet no one is taking accountability for changing this - in fact they have politicians hindering progress at every turn.
I know, I’m sickened too- but it gets better. Right?
Well here’s an idea…throw money at a campaign and have a head politician hide behind a veil of religion to claim that homosexuality is a sin and since LGBTQ members are going to hell they might as well feel the burn before they die. My stars, that’s brilliant!
That way we turn the victims from victims into dirty sinning heathens. Thanks again Christianity for taking that messy situation off our hands. Isn’t it great that there is a religion out there that can be used as such an effective social tool?
My blood starts to simmer here but it begins to boil when I realize just how many people buy into this idea that because the Bible says so.
The Bible tells these very devote Christians that homosexuality and homosexual marriage, abortion, stem cell research, makeup, divorce and so many other things are wrong. In fact, they are so wrong that if you “choose” to be homosexual (did you choose to be heterosexual, dearies? ) or choose to have an abortion you’re doomed to fry for all eternity?
Perhaps I misunderstood the fundamentals of Christianity- isn’t God supposed to equate love? Peace? Understanding? Joy? Forgiveness?
It seems to me that Republicans, Tea Partiers, and other extremist politicians like to cloud that part of religion with the fear of hell or the fear of God’s wrath on sinners- sinners of course being anyone who gets in the way of their capitalist agenda.
Let’s not forget the other evil in society that the Republicans/Tea partiers are so opposed to- I mean after all- isn’t the USA built on the freedom of speech (and ignorance)?
Socialism!!?! Why that is just the downfall of society right there, y’all! Why should I have to pay taxes so lazy Larry the bum on welfare can eat? Why should I have to take responsibility for anyone other than myself? After all, y’all I have the g dang right to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. I don’t have the obligation to take care of my neighbor, Joe- that’s on his head, even if he is a paraplegic diabetic and his children need life sustaining drugs and his house is about to foreclose- I’ll just pray for him and if God wants his life to falter it will- it’ll teach good old Joe a lesson. I don’t know what that lesson is but I reckon it’s something he needs to know or God wouldn’t put him through all this. (You sure about, that?) Mmhmmm. Praise Jesus.
Wait a minute, wait a minute now. As Canadians, we are not used to the idea that people have to lose their homes over hospital bills or have to mortgage their home to have a baby. Actually, when Chris and I sat down with a few of my friends and discussed this they were not only shocked and bewildered but soon enough the disgust set in and we had a very interesting conversation.
President Obama has been compared to Stalin, Hitler and other horrific world leaders- when in reality what he was trying to do with his health care bill was bring the US into the rest of the Western world. Well, that went against the Republicans platform of greed and like any good Republican and servant of God- Obama was demonized for wanting to help his society. An articulate black man who wants to help those without fat pocket books has to be demonized- otherwise greed might lose a piece of the pie- and well we all know that’s not going to happen.
Meanwhile, Canada takes a collective groan as our country is dragged through the dirt and our health care system comes under fire. Actually, Canada has been a favorite topic of discussion for many news anchors in the US and loud mouth conservatives such as Ann Coulter.
Ms. Coulter made horrible remarks to a middle eastern girl while visiting the University of Western Ontario who took her remarks in stride and passed them off as comical. The problem is Anne Couler, Sarah Palin, and all the other idiotic women who stand for the republicans are doing just want Britney Spears did- selling their product( in Sarah and Anne’s case it’s an ideology) with sex appeal. After all, biology applies to every human regardless of how misguided they may be.
A few of you might remember a newscast called Red Eye and how disrespectful they were to our fallen soldiers who were coming home that day to grieving families. I urge you to listen to the entire rant because it's not only disturbing but completely unacceptable. The twitter apology issued after was even more insulting.
So my heart bleeds for you- the sane part of America. My only word of encouragement are don’t give up and don’t stop opposing such ridiculousness in your politicians and in your fellow citizens.
The only way true change and reality can be breathed back into your society is by restoring sanity to the masses - one person at a time and when you have huge corporate dragons breathing fire on your efforts, well it might seem like a hopeless endevour.
There will always be hope as long as the flicker of sanity remains and I know that deep in your hearts America you know that how you treat your minorities is wrong- or perhaps you really don’t and that’s where the scary part lies for the rest of the world. We as members of the rest of the world get to watch you our younger, rebellious, significantly stupider brother make a mess and not clean it up.
Keep the heartbeat of the movement of sanity alive my friends- ensure the pulse of science will trump the ramblings of religion and if it doesn’t- you’re always welcome across the border for a beer and to watch the game.
We’re pulling for you,(unless you're our opponent in said game)
*Clears throat* I mean....
Love always,