When I like an OC, I REALLY like an OC.

Mar 12, 2014 06:23

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I have heard the secrets of the streets, but I keep them to myself

NAME: Nalea


AGE: 22




OCCUPATION: Jack of all trades



PARENTS: Harri (mother) & Fantail (father)


QUIRKS: Likes to swish her cape; scratches her ear when she's struggling to explain or put her finger on something; easily distracted; absolutely the least suave when it comes to romance; whistles birdsong when she's on her own

LIKES: Birds of all shapes, sizes, and temperament; long walks through the wilderness; paths less travelled; mysteries and the unknown; stage magic; real magic in all of its forms; stories and learning; getting to know new people; fruity alcoholic drinks; breezy spring days; early mornings

DISLIKES: People who eat birds or eggs; information being withheld; bullies; those who use others for their own profit; water; being a frankly terrible swimmer; enclosed spaces; city air; prejudice against magic

01. Fluent communication with all species of bird.

02. Talented fighter. Primarily hand-to-hand, but she can find her way around a staff as well.

03. Archer.

04. Tattoo artist.

05. Finder of lost things.



AGE: 24

IRC: Raven @ Lunarnet



Bluebird may hail from a tribal land of wanderers, scouts, and shounen idiots, but the first thing anybody notes about her are manners that, for the lack of a better of a better word, are downright knightly. She's the type of woman who will bow with a small, courtly flourish without a hint of irony or mocking, and bust out the "sirs" and "m'ladys" with complete earnestness. This isn't an attempt to distance herself, though she is (undeniably and understandable) private about some matters. She's genuinely interested in others and enjoys making and having friends. Her manners are her way of being respectful, and something of a homage to the one person she most looks up to in life: her father, Fantail. Bluebird does her utmost to stick to her code of honor and conduct . . . however!

She has so much energy. So much energy. An abundance, even; she's a girl who lives on the bright side of life, and she shows it without shame. She's friendly and cheerful, with a smile for almost everybody she meets. ... or a fist! Her boundless enthusiasm for life and her adherence to manners and morality doesn't mean she lacks bark or bite. She's spunky, reckless, and somewhat violent. Thanks to her upbringing (her people, the Pyxis, are renowned across the continent for their love of fighting), she sees absolutely nothing wrong with expressing herself with her fists. Coming from Bluebird, a punch can mean anything from hello to you are the worst person ever. It's fortunate for all involved that she tends to reserve this manner of communication for likeminded individuals, unless her temper is piqued. She's proud of her culture and all that it entails, though she's worldly enough to appreciate that some people are pansies not everybody knows how to take a punch with grace.

While she has little to no sense of body-shame, Bluebird is very easily flustered when it comes to romance, being teased, or any combination of the aforementioned. Her usual easy grace goes out of the window, and she can be the complete opposite of suave. It took her a good long while to pluck up the courage to try kissing the man she was interested in . . . even after he began initiating things himself. It's a general trend that the closer and more equal she feels to a person, the looser she will be, and as such family, close friends, and love interests have the privilege of watching her trip over herself.

She's a people-lover by nature, and very trusting. Unless somebody immediately sets themselves on her bad side, she hates to doubt; this can make her a little gullible, and, thanks to her kindness, a little overly generous. Over the course of her story she does somewhat grow out of this, putting her keen observational skills to good use instead of assuming the best of everyone, but it never truly goes away. Nor would she want it to. She's too kind-hearted and considerate to be comfortable with the idea of second-guessing every person she comes across. She derives great pleasure from helping people, though her pride and independence mean that she dislikes being on the receiving end.

She is also a dork-a hugely curious dork who loves to learn almost as much as she loves helping people. It's this trait, in tandem with her determination, that allowed her to up and leave her hometown on a years-long journey with no predictable ending. She genuinely enjoys travelling and the outdoors, loves it more than she could ever say, and those few times she found herself grounded in one place for an extended period left her anxious and unhappy.



WEIGHT: 110lbs

HAIR: Black

EYES: Blue

Bluebird is small and trim, but don't let that fool you: she's tough and athletic, with strong, well-toned muscles. Between her relative lack of curves, her short and messy raven-black hair, and a voice that's on the deep side for a young woman, Bluebird can be mistaken for a teenage boy . . . When she isn't wearing her favorite style of corset, loosely tied for comfort and flexibility. Other staples in her wardrobe include well-worn cloaks, lovingly patched and mended, and sturdy walking boots; whether she wears pants or a skirt depends upon her mood and her needs for the day. She's equally comfortable in both!

Beneath her clothes, her skin is richly tanned and littered with marks, many deliberate, many less so. She's extensively tattooed, on her back, sides, and upper arms. She regards her body is a treasured canvas for tattoos, both of ink-based and scarification. Of the scars that she received less than voluntarily, the remnants of an old stab wound on her abdomen is most prominent and vicious-looking.

01. She prefers fish over meat.

02. Her favorite treats are fresh fruit tarts.

03. She's only fluent in two languages, but she can get by in a handful of others.

04. She's mildly aquaphobic and a terrible swimmer, despite growing up around water.

05. Her sense of direction is uncannily good.

On the third day of the second month of King's Year 177, a child was born. Bright, blue-eyed Nalea, nicknamed Bluebird, daughter of proud mother Harrier and joyous father Fantail. They lived together in the small bordertown of Osnova, in the family tavern-a lucrative business, with a steady flow of customers both Pyxin (who always liked their watering holes, whether they be filled with booze or more sober liquids) and foreign (both coming and going, and either way grateful for a soft bed and an easily filled waterskin). It was a good, happy life. Part of it she spent learning her mother's trade: bartending, inkeeping, and throwing the rude out on their sorry, sorry behinds. Part of it she spent figuring out how to throw a punch, to shoot an arrow, to ask questions of all and sundry and to find missing pets, wallets, and shoes. Part of it, she spent learning everything she possibly could from the father she so adored.

When she was seven years old, she met a young, orphaned rennya on the rocky foothills surrounding Osnova. Rennya are rare and highly intelligent birds with powers of illusion, native to the nearby country of Cygnus. The pair quickly hit it off, with the bird -- who introduced himself as Koútero -- showing off some illusionary flowers for her, and Bluebird repaying him with a shoulder to ride on, a bath, and a thorough grooming. They quickly became firm friends, much to the wonder and bemusement of the townfolk; most people had only ever heard of this foreign, mystical species. Count on lil' Bluebird to stumble upon one while a-wonderin', huh? Koútero, despite the loss of his parents, proved himself to be both charming and playful, and just as much a child as Bluebird herself was. They grew up together, and barely a day passed by where they were apart. He even accompanied her to the Coming of Age she took part in at the tender age of thirteen. Once a year, every year, the tribes all come together for a week, to hold a grand festival and the dangerous coming of age trial.

. . . A trial to steal a single scale from Auriin, the only dragon known to dwell in the Pyxis territory.

Just a year after Bluebird became an adult in the eyes of the tribe, her beloved father went missing. Just vanished, with scarcely a trace or a whisper. Nalea could hardly believe it-didn't believe it. She couldn't. Instead, she was convinced that he was alive out there somewhere; that she could find him and bring him home. And so she set out, alone except for Koútero, on a long, long journey across the First Land. She visited towns and cities she'd never heard of before, let alone seen. She battled pirates, solved murders, enchanted marketplace crowds with a tale or two, and . . . more often than not, ended up penniless. She'd never been one to place too much value in the material, and between her desire to help and a generosity that bordered on complete naivete, she couldn't walk past suffering without trying to do something to mitigate it. Even if that something happened to be giving the contents of her wallet to some ragtag child in the streets. All the while, she searched for clues and followed leads, desperate to find her father.

The first big change in her life since her father's disappearance happened two years later, in the capitol city of Cepheus, Corehaven. There, in the midst a bar fight that she hadn't started but hadn't tried particularly hard to stop (even the kindest woman can love a good brawl), she met a young man called Spark. They hit it off immediately, despite their differences. He was rough where she was polite, he could be a jerk where she could be kind, but they shared a certain tenacity-the drive to do and to discover, and to live life to its fullest. She didn't reveal the depths of her dedication to her mission until some months later, when they'd begun the slow but steady transition from acquaintanceship to friendship, and gradually to something far more intimate. All of this was made possible by her kinship with birds; while she travelled-or he travelled, or both-they sent messages via her feathered friends.

Bluebird's mission, goal, and her desire to help others around her, whether they be friend or stranger, saw her involved in quite a few incidents that could only be called cases. One particular case she worked on proved to be almost as life-changing as Fantail's disappearance. Cepheus' antipathy towards magical abilities meant that some people fell between the gaps-often teenagers, full of feelings of rejection and longing to be understood, to be supported. In King's Year 196, when Bluebird was 19 years old, those teens began to disappear from Corehaven, one at a time . . . only to turn up days or weeks later, dead. Bluebird, in town to spend some time with Spark, took it upon herself not just to investigate, but to put a stop to it. She succeeded, but not without a price-she was stabbed, viciously, by what turned out to be cultists from the mysterious country of Lepus, as part of an experimental ritual. Spark, along with Koútero, helped her escape, and she spent one long month recovering.

It was during her recovery that she finally revealed her true name to him . . . and received his in return. She was Nalea, and he was Khoalan.Life continued on from there, as did her search for her father. But now she had one more anchor, one more reminder that the mission wasn't quite everything.

Layout by ~Tessisamess

I really, RRRREALLY like them.

Now I just need to finish the profile I started for Aoko.
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