[sunny's] In which Maggie and Sunny have fun with chocolate.

Feb 22, 2010 21:27

[Set in Livin' on a Prayer. Cowritten with sunnyboy_wonder.]

It cost an argument with his father, and he had to put his foot down, but Sunny didn't go in to the office on Sunday. Maggie had left in the morning for breakfast or brunch with Miranda, and she he knew she wouldn't be back until later in the day. Mostly because he'd asked Miranda and Nellie to keep Maggie busy that day.

He knew it was an important day and he wanted to do it right. He'd never made a deal about birthdays, or Valentine's Day before, and he'd never made it to any anniversary's. Now that all three were happening in one day, he was a bit overwhelmed.

He got the apartment clean, then worked on dinner. Well, that was a stretch. He cleaned, yes, but his maid came in to clean behind him and do most of the dinner preparations. He wanted Maggie to be able to eat the food after all. He took the task of setting up for dinner, though. He got a blanket and spread it out on the living room floor, near the sliding glass doors that overlooked the city. Then he set down some candles and dishes.

He set some pillows for leaning or sitting at their places. Beside Maggie's place he set down three small gift bags, one a little smaller than the next. Each had a little tag hanging from it. One said "Happy Valentine's Day", one said "Happy Birthday", and the last said "Happy Anniversary".

When he got the text from Miranda that Maggie was on her way home, his palms started to sweat. He glanced in the kitchen at the progress on dinner and it was all ready. Yvette helped him set everything out in the living room, the food covered up, then she quickly left, wishing him luck.

He rubbed his hands against his pants and sighed, then he waited.

Maggie knew that the girls were trying to keep her busy. Miranda wasn't so good and subtle, and when the two of them got together, neither was Nellie. But she didn't mind being distracted if that meant there was going to be a surprise for her at home. Especially a Sunny related surprise. Those were few and far between, and she was starting to like it when she found them. She opened the door to the apartment before closing the door behind her. "Sunny? I'm here."

He smiled and stepped into the hallway to greet her. "Hey," he said gently. His hands fell against her hips.

"Hey," she said, leaning in to him with a soft kiss. "Happy Valentine's Day."

He kissed her back. "You too. And Happy Birthday."

"Thanks," she said with a nod, before wrapping her arms around his neck. "Miss me?"

"I did," he nodded. "Are you hungry?"

"Not at the moment, but maybe later?"

He nodded. "Okay, but come into the living room anyway." He took her hand to lead the way.

"Okay," she nodded, following his lead inside.

He brought her into the living room where everything was set up and the candles were lit.

She looked over everything for a moment before leaning back against him. "Oh, Sunny ... "

His arms wrapped around her, but he didn't say anything.

"You didn't have to do all this."

"I wanted to." He kissed behind her ear softly.

"Thank you," she replied, before turning around to face him.

He smiled slightly, still nervous. "You've got a couple presents over there."

She grinned. "I like presents."

"Good." He nodded to the three gift bags set on the floor by their makeshift picnic.

She moved over to the biggest one first, picking it up to look inside.

The first being the Valentine's gift. Inside was a bottle of Ghiardelli chocolate sauce, a blindfold, and other "fun" gifts of the like. Sunny just grinned.

She laughed as she pulled them out, shaking her head slightly. "Well, I know what you have in mind for tonight."

He laughed as well and moved to sit beside her. "At least I didn't go the cheap route with plastic handcuffs."

"No, thank God for that," she smirked, before moving on to the next bag.

The next bag, a bit smaller, held her birthday gift. "Careful with that one, it's fragile," he said.

She nodded and adjusted the grip on the bag before pulling it open and looking inside. She pulled out one of the glasses and smirked. "Nice."

"I know you don't remember last year too well..." he teased.

"Ha, ha, ha," she replied, placing it gently down on the table before reaching for the last bag.

And in the last bag as a little blue box.

She pulled it out and gasped softly as she opened it, before looking up at him with a soft smile. "Oh, Sunny ... "

His hand brushed her cheek and he leaned in against her ear. He kissed her lobe and hovered there a moment before saying, "I love you, Mags." He still had trouble saying it regularly, but it never meant that he didn't mean it.

"Love you too," she whispered as she turned to face him, leaning in to kiss him again.

He kissed her back, his hand brushing through her hair.

She leaned into him, using one hand to cup his face and get closer.

He moved his arm around her waist to pull her closer, and continued kissing her.

She pulled back from the kiss when she needed to breathe, resting her head against his shoulder. "Thank you."

"You're welcome," he whispered. While she relaxed, he took the bracelet and fastened it around her wrist.

Curling in closer to him, she held up her wrist to look it over. "I'm not sure if I have anything to where this with."

"Where it with anything," he shrugged. "Or nothing."

"Oh? Nothing, huh?"

He grinned. "Just a suggestion."

"I'll keep that in mind."

She shifted back to look up at him with a smirk. "So whadaya have planned next?"

He rolled his eyes playfully. "Dinner, three presents, some making out....that isn't enough?"

"You bought me chocolate sauce and a blindfold."

"You don't like those?"

"No, I do, but it names me think you had more in mind."

"Nothing for tonight in particular," he shrugged.

She raised an eyebrow. "Don't want to test out the toys right away?"

He smiled. "It's up to the birthday girl."

She reached over and picked up the blindfold, playing with it in her fingers for a moment before looking back at him. "I think that could be fun."

He moved his hand to hers. "Who would you rather wear it?" His eyes met hers, already dark with wanting her.

She bit her lip for a moment as she considered, before nodding. "You were the one who said you were hungry."

He nodded and started to take the blindfold from her.

"Bedroom?" she asked, pushing herself up as she let him have it.

"Maybe," he smirked. He stood up and moved behind her, placing the blindfold around her eyes. "I get to make the choices...you just have to feel it," he whispered in her ear.

She closed her eyes at the feel of the material against her skin, before taking a breath. "Just don't walk me into anything, alright?"

He kissed her neck lightly as he tied the blindfold. "Trust me."

"I never said I didn't. But accidents happen."

"I'll take real good care of you. I promise." He grinned and turned her to face him. His arms went around her waist and he yanked her close, then kissed her hard.

She leaned into the kiss gently, her hands finding his shoulders and squeezing them.

He pulled from the kiss after a moment and picked her up. He held her close and started moving across the room.

She leaned into him, wrapping her arms around him and holding on tightly.

He stopped outside the bedroom and pressed her back against the wall, lowering her to her feet. "Just lean back," he whispered. "There's a wall here." He started with her sweater first, slowly pulling it over her head. He kissed her neck and shoulder, then continued pulling off her clothes. He kept kissing skin as it was revealed, his hands moving their way around her body.

She did as she was told, leaning back against the wall and into his hands, just enjoying the familiar, but different sensations of his body against her.

When he got everything off of her, he stepped back so that he wasn't touching her. He wanted to leave a bit of suspense. "You're so hot."

"Yes," she nodded. "I'm aware of this. Is there something new?"

"No." He just took a moment or two to look her over, before silently settling down on his knees and moving in to kiss her stomach.

She gasped softly, before moving her hand down and running her fingers through his hair. His hands settled on her hips as his lips brushed along her stomach and hip. He didn't need chocolate sauce to taste her. Her fingers tightened in his hair the lower he got, just leaning back and enjoying the sensations. He bit her skin softly, before moving lower. His hands brushed down around her thighs and backs of her knees. She leaned back the wall some more, letting it take as much of her weight as possible. He concentrated on her for awhile, then stopped to pull back on his knees. He quietly started to free himself from his pants, watching her for a reaction. She whimpered softly at the loss of contact, her fingers reaching out to try and find him.

Once he got his pants off he lowered himself, legs folded under him, and caught her hands. He gently pulled her forward and took her hips to guide her down to his lap. She moved with him, settling her legs around him as she got closer, letting him guide her. He got her where he wanted her, and found her lips with his as he leaned back a bit more. She moaned softly as she moved with him, leaning into the kiss as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

After awhile he held her tightly and flipped them so that she was on her back. She gasped at the shift in position, letting her hands run over his shoulders as she tried to reorient herself. He continued to kiss her skin and move against her. Her head fell back against the surface, holding on as best she could and eventually her body tightened around his, before relaxing back against the floor. He moved to her side, keeping close and kissing her neck. She took a moment to catch her breath, before turning in the direction she thought he was in, curling into him. He smiled as he gazed at her. He liked that he could look at her the way he was without her looking back. His finger brushed against her lips slowly.

She shifted, pressing a kiss to his fingers before resting her head against his shoulder. "Are we on the floor?"

"We are."

"Is there the possibility of us getting to the bed?"

"Tired already?"

"No," she shook her head as she made a face. "Just uncomfortable."

"Hmmmm..." He got up, helping her to her feet. "Why don't you pull that off long enough to go get into bed...and I'll meet you there."

She smirked slightly. "Want me to put it back on when I get there?"


"Okay, then," she said with a nod, before pushing the blindfold up over her eyes and getting up to make her way back to bed.

He turned and went back to the living room to get the chocolate sauce, then he went to join her in the bedroom. When he saw her in bed he smiled and climbed in next to her. "Hi."

She grinned. "Hi."

He opened the chocolate and dipped his finger in, then licked it. He dipped his finger in against and set it against her lips. Her mouth opened, swirling her tongue around the top of his finger to get the chocolate. He bit his lip, curling his finger with her tongue. Then he dipped it in the chocolate again and moved up on his side a bit more. He drew a large S across her stomach, before leaning down to slowly lick it up. She moaned softly, her body arching into the feel of his tongue against her skin, her hands moving to grip the sheets.

He dunked his thumb then brushed it up her chest slowly. "I do love chocolate."

"Mmmm -- me too."

He moved and let his tongue follow where his thumb had been. She moaned again into the touch, her hand wandering to find his body next to hers.

He used his teeth slightly before speaking. "I've got another idea for a fun game.."

"What's that?" she asked.

He picked up the chocolate and rubbed a bit on his own skin, then lay back, pulling her over him. "You find the chocolate."

She paused for a moment as she settled onto his chest, hands steadying themselves on his shoulders, before starting to move slowly as she tried to get her bearings. His eyes closed and he leaned back, a smile spreading on his lips. Once she found the crook of his neck, she leaned forward, brushing her lips lightly against the spot there, before starting to make her way lower.

"Mmmm." He leaned up a bit. "Cold."

"I'm getting there," she said, giving him a look through the blindfold. "Let me take my time."

"Go right ahead," he murmured.

She continued to make her way lower, inching down his legs and grinning when the tip of her tongue met the edge of the chocolate.

He groaned deeply. "So hot."

She laughed a bit against his skin, and continued to swipe her tongue over his skin to collect the sauce.

"There...there might be more. Little to the left."

She did as he said, moving a little to the left to follow the chocolate. He bit down on his lip, his fingers moving against her shoulder and hair. Her fingers moved lower, starting to wrap around him when she felt the push of him against her.

"Mags," he whispered in a strain, his fingers tightening in her hair.

She smirked slightly at that, before starting to move her hand against him. "Told you I could handle you with my eyes closed."

"Course you can, baby," he murmured.

She kissed the skin of his stomach gently, before moving up to straddle his waist settling her body over his and getting closer. He opened his eyes to look up at her and his hands settled on her legs. She tipped forward, leaning in to kiss him again as her hips moves against him. He kissed her back, meeting her moves, and gripping onto her. Eventually she slumped down on top of him, taking the time to catch her breath. His arms wrapped around her and he kissed the top of her head.

"Think I'm gonna need a nap," she murmured.

"Take one." He rubbed her back slowly.

She rolled off him, before reaching his hand up. "Do you want me to leave the blindfold on while I sleep?"

"No." He reached out to help her take it off.

She got it off and gave him a smile, before leaning in to kiss him again. "Night."

"Night," he replied, kissing her back.

[entry] rp, [verse - sunny] livin' on a prayer, [rp] sunny_boywonder

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