In which there is brunch

Mar 05, 2009 11:46

[Cowritten with sunny_boywonder.]

Sunny really didn't consider himself a romantic guy, or...even that thoughtful of a guy, but he was a food guy. He also had ways of getting what he wanted when he wanted it. So that morning after he woke up, he called a nearby restaurant - one of his favorites - and ordered a big breakfast to be brought over. Not that they usually delivered, but he wanted to eat at home, alone with Maggie.

By the time it was brought over he had cleaned up a little bit, with the assistance of a maid to help do it right. She had also stuck around to set up his small table by the balcony, overlooking the city. Yellow tablecloth, fresh flowers, and all. When he caught sight of it his brow rose. It looked like...a romantic meal. In his apartment. It looked odd, also made him smile a bit. He could handle this. Not that anyone would believe he put it together.

The table was set, all but the food. Which was keeping warm in the kitchen until Maggie was ready to come over. He turned and headed to the bathroom to get showered and dressed for her arrival.

Maggie showed up in jeans and a t-shirt but she was much more awake and alert than she was the night before. She honestly wasn't expecting much -- just breakfast -- and she pulled her jacket around her shoulders a little more as she knocked on the door, before standing back and waiting for someone to come and answer it.

Sunny was just pulling his shirt over his head when he heard the knock. He smiled and went to the door, pulling it open. "Well...good morning," he greeted her.

"Morning," she said with a grin. "Miss me?"

He took her arm and pulled her in the door, pushing it closed behind her. He wrapped his arms around her and pretended to think about it, then shrugged. "Eh," he said lightly.

"Eh?" she said, raising an eyebrow slightly. "All I get is an 'eh'? Maybe I should head back to Anna's then -- she at least greeted me with ice cream."

He smirked and leaned in to kiss her long and slow, pulling her closer. She returned the kiss, sliding her arms around his neck as she did. He pulled back just a bit and set his forehead to hers, his eyes closed. "And did Anna greet you with that?"

"No," she admitted. "Though I probably would have found it a little strange if she did." She then smirked slightly, teasing. "And the ice cream was probably just as good."

He raised a brow at her, pulling his head back to give her a look. "Excuse me? Just as good? Just as good?"

She shrugged, before starting to pull away for him. "I have a thing for half-baked."

He set a hand to her hip and pressed her back to the door gently. His other hand leaned against the door and he grinned down at her. "But I can give you full baked."

She frowned slightly. "If this is a metaphor, you're losing me."

"I lost myself, but...something about making you forget all about the importance of any ice cream."

"That will take some doing, Mr. Baker. Ice cream and I go way back."

His hand moved to hold her hip under her shirt and his thumb brushed her stomach lightly. "Are you doubting me?"

"I am skeptical, yes."

"I might have to fix that. Or...we could just combine the two."

She shrugged slightly. "That could get messy."

He smirked again and leaned in closer. "Guess you're going to be stuck with just me then."

"Guess so," she murmured, leaning back against the door more.

He dropped in to kiss her again. "I did miss you."

"Missed you too," she murmured, before returning the kiss. He deepened the kiss and pressed his body closer to hers. She leaned back against the door, wrapping her arms around his neck again as she did.

"So if I told you I bribed you over here with just the idea of food, only to get you into bed, would you hate me?" He whispered against her lips.

"Only if you don't feed me at all," she whispered. "Because I am hungry. I haven't had breakfast."

"But there is no breakfast. Just Sunny."

"Then we might have to put this on hold. It's bad to have sex on an empty stomach." She started to pull away from him again. "I'll be back in an hour."

He shook his head and hooked his arms around her waist, then turned her towards the living room, walking behind her. He stopped her and rested his chin on her shoulder, looking at the set table. "Where'd that come from?"

She laughed slightly, before looking up at him. "I think your apartment may be haunted."

"I'd say. The ghost must be trying to help me get lucky."

"That's very good of him, being a ghost and all."

He kissed her neck lightly. "Sit. I'll get the food." He pulled back and turned for the kitchen.

Maggie did as requested, sitting at one end of the table and settling in to get comfortable.

Sunny came back in with a platter of bagels and cream cheese and another of scrambled eggs and bacon. As he stepped backwards towards the kitchen again he pointed at her. "You want mimosa or just straight orange juice?"

"It's not even noon," she frowned, before shaking her head. "Straight juice."

He laughed. "That's the point of mimosas. You can get away with getting smashed at breakfast." He disappeared into the kitchen, then returned with two orange juices. He sat across from her and passed her one.

She took it from him, taking a sip before looking over the food.

He watched her, a bit worried. "Is...this okay?"

She blinked slightly. "It's fine. Why?"

He shrugged. "Never exactly...done this for anyone before."

"Oh," she said with a nod. "It's good -- you're okay."

"Good," he smiled and looked down to start eating. She did the same, settling in and enjoying her food. Later, when he was finished, he sat back in his chair and watched her.

She was still eating, and after a moment looked back up at him. "What?"

"Nothing. Just looking."

"Okay," she said slowly, before leaning back against her chair and continuing eating.

"Lucky for you, you didn't miss much while you were gone." He sipped his juice. "I mean...Nellie and Ben had a big fight, but that was about it. Oh, and Anna thinks I'm going to break your heart."

Maggie arched an eyebrow slightly. "Is what she thinks a problem for you?"

"No. Unless she starts getting annoying about it. I figure until then I can ignore her."

"Define getting annoying? Because if you mean what I think you mean -- that's not really Anna's style."

He shrugged. "I don't know. Trying to keep us apart, me a hard time."

"Yeah -- not Anna's style. She's not really one to impede on other people's lives."

"If you say so."

The eyebrow went up again. "Don't you think I know my friends?"

He looked at her. "Mags, I'm not...that's not what I'm saying. Just pointing out that...she's not thrilled with this idea."

"Well -- given our track records, did you think everyone would be?"

With a sigh he glanced out the window. "No. You're right. Sorry I brought it up."

Maggie sighed slightly, before crossing her arms in front of her chest. "Well, what do you want me to do about it? It's not like I can just flip a switch and change her mind."

"No. I informing you. She let me know she wasn't happy with it, so I thought I'd pass it on."

"Well, thank you for letting me know," Maggie sighed. He rubbed his eyes and looked over at her quietly. Maggie went back to finishing her breakfast, looking down again.

"Fuck," he muttered under his breath, then got up to take his dishes to the kitchen. He dropped them in the sink a little too hard and ran his fingers through his hair and let out a long sigh.

Maggie watched him go, taking a deep breath before running a hand through her hair and trying to decide if she should follow him. He stayed in the kitchen and started cleaning up the take out packages and other various tasks he could kill time with. She came out a few minutes later, before leaning in the doorway. "I don't care what Anna thinks about our relationship."

He turned and looked at her, drying his hands on his jeans. "Maybe I do," he said quietly.

"Why?" she asked, tilting her head to the side slightly. "It doesn't change anything."

He shrugged and looked at the floor, not really sure what to say. Or maybe unsure how to say it.

"Sunny," she said, giving him a look. "Just spit it out."

He shrugged again and shoved his hands in his pockets. "I already...think I'm...going to fuck this up. Having someone else...say it…"

Maggie sighed slightly, before moving closer to him and sliding her arms around his waist from behind. "Don't worry about her, okay? She's just being protective."

He dropped his arms around hers and turned his head to kiss her forehead lightly. "Stick around for awhile?"

"I plan to."

"Feel like going back to bed?"


He turned and rubbed her arms. "Go ahead back and lay down. I'm going to clean the food up."

"Okay," she sighed, before turning and heading towards the bedroom.

He cleaned things up only as much as necessary, then headed back to the bedroom to join her. She was curled up over the covers, eyes closed and starting to nod off slightly. He smiled and yanked his shirt over his head, before moving to curl up against her. Maggie curled up closer to him, keeping her eyes closed and slowly but surely drifting off to sleep. He wasn't so tired himself, but he didn't mind laying there with her. As the minutes ticked by he too drifted off.

[entry] rp, [verse - sunny] livin' on a prayer, [rp] sunny_boywonder

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