(no subject)

Nov 11, 2009 00:16

 according to weather.com, there is a 100% chance of "heavy rain/wind" tomorrow during the hours that i will be walking to and from class. i bet that i will still see multiple girls walking around campus wearing flip flops. apparently girls in Chapel Hill don't realize that when it rains in November it is no longer acceptable to wear flip flops. it's cold and it's wet. i don't want to see any feet sloshing around in puddles. that's gross. besides, it's pretty damn easy to look out of your window and see that it is raining, and then chose a pair of closed-toe shoes to put on.

obviously, rainboots are the best option when this type of weather arrises, but then again if i see another pair of multi-colored polka dot rainboots, i might have to have a tirade about those also. i bought my rainboots from target because I couldn't afford the Hunter boots that I have been eyeing for 2 years, but just because my boots were only 30 doesn't mean that they are heinous and represent every color of the rainbow in some stupid geometrical pattern.

i choose to blog about unimportant annoyances instead of studying for my Jew midterm tomorrow. no offense to the Jews, but I find the detailed history of your ancestors since 1200BC to be quite mind-numbing. I am, however, a huge fan of matzah ball soup.

i went bowling recently. i really, really suck at bowling.

i ate lunch with a friend and her 24-year-old autistic brother today. she bought me a livestrong bracelet because her mom is going through chemo right now and so is my stepmom. also, she got our food for half-off because she is a firefighter. pretty cool.

i need a hobby. please give me suggestions.

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