[The sun's just starting to set when Shikamaru makes his way out of the woods, back from his whatever mallynappings are in this AU unintentional vacation out there. What exactly happened is still blurry (disturbing enough when you have an eidetic memory), but hey. He came back from it at least. Not everyone does that.
Not wanting to draw much attention to himself, and unsure of how long he was even gone, Shikamaru avoids running into anybody on his way to House 19, climbing up a tree and into his room through a window instead of using the door. Only then does he open his journal, looking to get caught up on things-]
[Accidental Voice]
Oi, what happened to all of my shit?
[Seems like he missed a lot after all, judging from the empty room.
Much later, after getting back up to speed on things, he throws up a filter.]
[Filtered to fellow Ninja Gang members || 100% Unhackable]
Sound off if you're still among the living.
[He's joking. He thinks half of you are too stupid to live sometimes, especially with Raph leading them, but he doesn't mean it seriously.
[Once that's taken care of and he's checked in with everyone else (he'll stop by Noel's in particular, if he doesn't talk to her over the journals first. Sanji's house is a stop along the way too now so he can pick up his stuff, as Chouji apparently found it and brought it over there), it's time for serious gang business. Loitering. In absence of a gas station, the grocery store is where it's at. Oh, and maybe he'll actually step inside and stock some shelves/do his job while he's at it too. That might be good.
...even if he's feeling just a little weird now.]
Since half of the reason I had Shikamaru mallynapped in the first place was because I wanted to do something with him when I brought him back, I'm still going with my original plan. Shikamaru's been brought back with a strange need to prank people, and he'll be ninja-ing his way about it for the next few days. They won't all be so obvious - and some might even take days/weeks after the event before they're triggered and actually go off. Just leave me a note in your tag somewhere or PM if you want your character to be pranked at some point and we can work out the details over AIM or PM. I'll only have him prank your character if you state as such. o>]