
May 18, 2005 10:00

Well, i havent posted in a good minute, so ehre goes, im alive and doing fine, well kinda fine, just got breaking news from dade, telling me that i dont qualify for financial aid, reason being b/c of some shit on my application and b/c my GPA is to low, its a 1.0, supposed 2 be a 2.0 to qualify, and im short i think one credit, and i gotta fill out some piece of shit paper stating that im under probatiob and i need to do good in all my classes, so gay. shit happnes yo, that what i get for being such a loser, god i hate it. other than that things are going good, work is so so as well, might find another one. just heard that a close friend of the family is very severe at the hospital with a bad illness, that her stomach swells up really big and hardens, not a pretty sight to see, hope she gets better, im praying for her. at times i feel like damn yo, why am i such an indecisive person, like the only thing im not indecisive bout is what i want my career to be, i know my passion is writing, thats why i picked journalism, so i can shwo the world my ideas and how i do things, by the looks of it's going to be a bumpy road to get there. Well, everything takes a process, thats all i can say for that. one day things seem so beautiful, then the next day its like damn i feel like not being anywhere, like just crawling into a hole and getting away from everything, so frustrated bout everything. On the brightside, is that im kinda with this chick, she's really down to earth i like her alot, the only thing is that she has a 2 year old kid. and he is the qtest thing i have ever seen i must say, and he loves my company so much, by the expressions he shows when im round, he kinda imitates me in some ways, i guess you can say im father figure to him, b/c his faget as pops left with another chik and in new york and has never seen his son, dosnt call or send no money its just Natasha(my girl), myself, and her mom kinda sad 2 see, but shit happens. thats the only thing that gets me away from my problems, and being with her as well, like i pick him up from day care sometimes and take him to mcdonalds and he's always got a smile on his face and i love every moment of it. just so many things have been going on lately that i cant find a word or expression to describe them, i guess things happen for a reason, i just want to know for what reason they happen. i have to be strong and brush all the dirt off my shoulder such as, the job, friends, skool, and other things that have been bothering me. dont know what to do. maybe just remain quiet, i regret so much not doing good in high skool, nevertheless college as well, i guess i didnt care, too busy messin with chiks and skippin n blazing and doing stupid shit, and after the storm is when i realized everything i did was simply pointless. Well that takes care of that, and so long to everyone.

tone capone....signing out..
be easy everyone...
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