Sep 11, 2011 08:33
A very loud, empassioned argument was being had in room 311 as frantic music played. And this argument, naturally, involved a wig being tossed on and off between speakers.
"I can't believe you want to take this away from me!" Hannah-Miley accused. In addition to having blonder hair, she was better-dressed than Miley, despite switching on a split-second's notice.
"I don't!" Miley-Miley shot back, taking the wig off and frowning determinedly. "All I said was that my life would be easier if I didn't have you to worry about!"
Hannah-Miley threw the wig back on, shimmering in a radiant ballgown that had suddenly appeared. "So you want to tell the world, is that it? Get yourself checked into a facility? Your every move scrutinized by doctors and nurses?"
Miley-Miley began to cry. One tear at a time, of course. "All I want is to be free," she whispered. She was in So Much Pain!
Now Hannah-Miley decided enough was enough. "Fine," she hissed. "Then until you can come to your senses, I'm in control." She put the wig on with a smug smile. "Later, Miley."
And with that, she took Miley's collage of photos off of the wall and began to cut them up, all the while playing her last few hits at maximum volume on her iPod speakers. While Miley wailed inside, of course.
[[I'm... I'm really not sure. Open.]]
person: hannah my eeeevil alter ego,
issue: fandom tries to out me,
event: soap opera weekend,
fact: pop star problems,
person: dave who kisses well,
mood: appalled,
place: 311