[SIMS] Smallville + FutureBats = hilarity.

May 15, 2008 20:24

I'm a sad sad person, who is playing Sims to avoid socialising with the scary people in this Youth Hostel. /o/

Lex. Wow. Check out those aspirations. He wants money first of all, followed by a career in the criminal profession. A job in the athletic profession is next, followed by careers in athletics and medicine. He fears losing money, Clark's death, and using a public restroom.

Clark's are kind of boring. Buy a bookcase, gain a cleaning point, gain a cooking point, invite someone over. He does fear getting caught cheating on Lex though.

Kon wants a toy, to be played with by Clark, played with by Lex, and be snuggled by Lex. Interestingly, like Tiny, he fears parties, but he also fears his relatives breaking up. Could it be that Kon has picked up on Clark's cheating vibes?

They haven't been in the hour and already Kieran is mooning them. Way to be, Kieran.

I think this could be one of those 'you had to have been there moments' but Lex, finished with the paper, folded it up, put it down in front of Clark and looked at him all like 'Dispose of it, bitch.' They're going to be such a fun couple.

I got Clark to sweet-talk Lex, see where that led. It went over well and Lex responded by gossiping -- about Kon. There was a lot of snickering. I think they're mocking his inability to get a Charisma point from his bunny toy. Or maybe it's the fact he's not yet potty trained.

The welcome wagon picked a great moment to arrive.

Lex tries to ignore the guests as much as possible, opting to play computer games rather than socialise (Clark is outside with the telescope). However Terry is impossible to ignore (when you mouseover Terry's icon in the top right there, 'bad smell' is revealed).

Terry admires Lex.

... somehow I don't think Terry and Sophie are going to have any problems getting their mutual aspiration of getting laid. Lex's action reads 'be embarrassed'. Meanwhile, Ash doesn't seem to appreciate Clark's sense of humour.

Because Sim bodylanguage rocks.

Lex looks bored. The +1000 reveals that Sophie and Terry have both fulfilled an aspiration.

Clark can't get a break. Alfred is so bored talking to him, that he starts yawning. Meanwhile Sophie and Ash crack me up.

Success! Clark has found someone (besides Lex) who likes him.

Sim conversations are the best.

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