Feb 01, 2009 09:58
So last night was really good.
2/3 bands rocked a bit.
Lauren's friends were nice. I'd go to another show.
I don't know what else to say. I just had fun.
It's more fun to be up by the stage when you know the bassist. :)
Work was all right too. We were about $600 off but...coulda been worse.
Plus we had seven HSM3's in. No thanks to me though. :(
I guess Great Lakes Crossing kicked our ass.
Screw them. Who the hell goes to Great Lakes Crossing?
*wants Johnny Rockets...hard*
So I really miss Justin lately, speaking of Johhny Rockets.
His responses to my note on Facebook set me off, then we had a nice chat via text.
It was sweet, heartfelt, and makes me want to call him more.
He really is such a good friend to me. I barely remember how I got along before him. :p
I really can't wait until Spring Break. For many reasons, but seeing Justin is top of the list.
I don't know what else is going on.
College apps are in. Now I just need to send transcripts.
I'm only slightly nervous. If CMU and WMU don't take me they're morons.
Right now my order goes UMich, State, WMU, CMU.
Or maybe State, UMich, WMU, CMU.
I'm not quite sure. Oakland is just floating along the bottom like a safety net.
But I'd almost rather off myself then spend two more years here.
(Okay, not really. But leaving is so close I can taste it. Tastes kinda like strawberries.)
I wish the online transcript request wasn't so stupid.
I also wish that UMich didn't want DHS transcripts, my ACT score, and my soul.
But what can you do. :\
I guess I had a lot more to say then I thought.
I need to get ready for church. Frankly I'm surprised I got up in time.
But it's good, after a couple days sleeping in until 2.
Plus I feel like I don't go as much as I'd like.
God needs some praise. He's been blessing me with a lot of good in my life.
Not that he doesn't always deserve praise. But while things are good is literally the very least I can do.
Plus I have plenty of things to pray about right now and haven't done very good on my own.
Be still, O restless soul of mine
Bow before the Prince of peace
Let the noise and clamor cease