Music.AFI, Thursday, At the Drive-In, Finch, Devo, Deftones, The Smiths, Flock of Seagulls (I'm into 80s music), and more. I don't classify my music, so whatever it is, you classify it.
Fashion taste.Well I usually wear whatevers clean, but other than that I wear jeans and t-shirts. I also wear shirts and skirts that I re-create out of my old clothing
Stuff you think rocks. The 80s, reading, books, Donnie Darko, peppermint stick ice cream, music, my attempts playing guitar, taking pictures, sleeping, re-creating clothes, my messy room (because i know where everything is, even though its messy), I could really go on, but I don't want to bore you.
Random stuff that makes you cool.
I know that there's no one in the world just like me. I try playing guitar and even though I suck, I still try to make it sound better. I suck at many things, but I don't care. I speak my mind and I'm blunt. I am pretty laid back and outgoing, except I hate it when people piss and moan. There are people in the world who are hot and there are people in the world who aren't. I am not hot, but I don't make a fool of myself by acting like I am.